Did you know that in our area alone there are about 22,000 dogs that generate about 1,686 TONS of f***l matter a year. This data is from Roanoke's Stormwater Management Services. Not only is it good etiquette to clean up after your pet but it also helps protect our local waterways (i.e. the Roanoke River.) The Storm Water Best Management Practices recommends: clean up after your pets every single time, teach children this responsibility, take advantage of complimentary waste bags at parks and greenways, reuse plastic bags for picking up pet waste, carry extra bags when walking your pet and offer to owners without bags. It is advised against: putting waste in storm drainage inlets, leaving waste on lawn, throwing waste in the woods, tossing waste into another's yard, dropping pet waste into drainage ditches, rinsing kennels directly onto the ground. The recommendation is to BAG IT - TRASH IT. The storm drainage system does not go to a sewage treatment plant. The water is directed to streams and rivers. Help keep our waterways safe.