Hi friends! Neassa here to tell you all how purddy she is! Also I want to touch on something. As you all know I don't do reminders. The past 2 months I've had a few no call, no shows. Most people apologize and offer to pay for their service anyways. I think thats fair. I did after all secure that time slot specifically for your dog. So I greatly appreciate anyone that this has happened with. I have also had a couple people who have missed their appointment and reach out to me months later asking for another appointment🤔 Please don't be these people. I completely understand things happen, my life is crazy right now. I get it! Reach out to me and let me know or atleast acknowledge the fact that you missed your appointment. So as of now, if you give me a 24 hour notice that you won't be at your appointment you are all set, I will have tine to fill that slot or atleast have a heads up. However if you make no attempt to reach out to me and just dont show up, you will be charged for that appointment if you would like a future appointment. Im sorry I have to be a drill sergeant, but we still love you all! 😍
Thank you to all my amazing clients 4 legged and 2 legged😘
FYI- Booking 3 weeks out. So please make time to schedule next appointment 😁