Our November numbers are in!!!
We are SO thankful for all of YOU - our followers, donators, volunteers, adoption partners, rescue partners, veterinary professionals, adopters, fosters - ANY of you that have contributed in any way to help us be successful in our mission here!! Saving the lives of so many dogs & cats in our community takes a village! We are grateful for the village that stands behind us!! ♥️
How can you continue to help?!
•First and foremost— SPAY & NEUTER your pets!!! We cannot reiterate this enough. Yes, even the stray cat who showed up a month ago that you are feeding. If you need low cost options, let us know!
•ADOPT or if you can’t, then please continue sharing our posts. We always need adoptions. We remained at or above capacity the entire year of 2023 and have remained at or above capacity every month for 2024! 😞 We have several long term dogs, patiently waiting for their new family to find them! And many ready to get out of here cats & kittens!! Through December 17 - Dogs are $25, Adult/Young Adult Cats are $25 and Kittens are $50 to adopt!! Thanks to the BISSELL Pet Foundation’s Holiday Hope Adoption Event
See comments for a link to view our available pets and for online adoption application links!
•VOLUNTEER! One of our biggest needs are experienced dog walkers. Our dogs would greatly benefit from being walked twice a day (weather permitting)!! Message or call us if you want to sign up!
• FOSTER! Another of our biggest needs is foster homes for kittens under 2lbs. Kitten “season” is year round! Contact us for more info!
• DONATE! Expenses are at an all time high. Vet bills, daily supplies, medications and vaccinations, staff overtime, etc. Donation tabs are listed at the end of this post, if you want to help us out in that way!
• Make a COMMITMENT to your pet that you will do your best to keep that animal for its lifetime. But also please know that we are here for our county residents and your pet in extreme hardship.♥️🐾
Want to donate?!
🐾 You can donate to us by shopping locally & dropping items off to us in person, any time staff is here!! A complete list of everything we use here at FCAC is pinned to the top of our page. A currents needs list is posted in comments, of items we are currently low on!
🐾 Or by purchasing items from our Amazon & Chewy wishlists! These purchases get shipped directly to us! ♥️🐾
⭐️ Amazon wishlist link:: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/354537XW99L0E?ref_=wl_share
⭐️ Chewy wishlist link: https://www.chewy.com/g/fulton-county-animal-adoption-education-center_b73069618
⭐️ Donate funds by stopping in or sending a check by mail. Donate online here: https://www.fultoncoanimalcenter.org/donate?mibextid=Zxz2cZ
We are a VERY small, rural shelter and we operate mainly on donations! We THANK YOU for your continued support and donations that help us so much every single day!!
🐾 ♥️ Together, we can all make a difference! ♥️ 🐾