Dr. Myhre has been hard at work riding Annie. Here is a video of their first time cantering together!!! More progress videos to come. (For more about Annie's story see previous post)
Here is a video of one of our patients that had a bilateral palmer digital neurectomy preformed one year ago! As seen in the video she is doing amazing. The owner wanted to show others that a neurectomy doesn't always mean your horse can no longer perform.
Myhre Equine Clinic and High Knoll Equestrian Center
An aerial view of our facility! For the best picture, please view in HD!
Dylan says, "Someday i'll grow up to be a maestro!"
Dylan is one of our retired boarders. He is just enjoying life, finding sticks to play with and loving his friends!
Wentworth Hunt 10-12-16
Here is the revised drone video of the hunt from 10-12-16. Unfortunately the music had to be removed for copyright reasons, but we are still allowed to post the video and hope to do many more! For the best viewing, please watch in HD under the video settings.
Here's a video of a bursoscopy of the carpal sheath and chondroma removal that was preformed today. Such an interesting case!
Colic surgery 2015
This is an edited video of a colic surgery Dr. Myhre preformed last year. The surgery took a few hours, but we have edited it down so that everyone can see what goes on during a colic surgery! If you do not handle seeing internal organs or surgery well, we advise to not watch this video. We have uploaded it on our page for educational purposes. We will be posting more surgical videos in the future so please follow us to watch more!