We are all about 'dog love.'
We are blessed to be the parents of Kane - a 12 year old, 80lb, Bernese Mountain Dog/German Shepherd mix and Kato - an almost 2 year old, 66lb American Staffordshire Terrier. Kane has hiked and camped from coast to coast, visiting National Parks with his mama. Kato, he's new to the family and is fascinated with squirrels, deer, rabbits and mud puddles. Kato is our n
eighborhood clown, making everyone smile. We saved our boys but the truth is that they truly saved us. We know how much joy, love and blessing our boys bring us, and certainly you feel the same about your dogs. A bit about why we started this company. Funndogg Walker. It's how we met. He was walking his big dog Crosby and my big dog Kane said hello. Yeah, it's one of those stories...and from the very beginning I knew Jason had a special heart & hands for dogs. It's amazing to watch Jason and watch the dogs respond to him. The dogs wiggle, talk, cry to Jason when they see him. He knows them all by name, but the names of the owners, sometimes Jason forgets. But, who are the important ones here? The DOGS, of course!! Whether the pups are on adventures, snuggling under the blankets during a movie, or we are playing with them & their toys, we are all about 'dog love' in our home. So when you are at work, on vacation, or enjoying a wonderful evening out, let us give some 'dog love' to you & your favorite pup. Come see us about walking your pup, checking in on them when you are out, dropping by to play with them, and simply having a bit of fun. We look forward to meeting your bestist dog...and you too!