We’re calling on all animal lovers to raise their voices!
Currently, a handful of members of Congress is attempting to push harmful legislation referred to as the “Ending Agricultural Trade Suppression” (EATS) Act and the similar “Protecting Interstate Commerce for Livestock Producers” (PICLP) Act into the new Farm Bill which is set to be voted on in the next few weeks/months.
EATS and PICLP are designed to prevent state and local jurisdictions from regulating agricultural products (including farm animals) sold within their borders that are subject to interstate commerce.
If passed, these acts would reverse decades of progress in farm animal welfare including California Proposition 12 (The Farm Animal Confinement Initiative), Massachusetts Question 3 (The Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act), state laws on cage-free eggs and hundreds of other laws and regulations that protect animal welfare, food safety and public health.
These bills also threaten the livelihood of 1,000+ mostly family farms that have invested in improved animal welfare, unfairly forcing them to compete against massive industrial farms in America and abroad who prioritize profit over the well-being of the animals they raise.
We at Campfire Treats believe that all animals (including farm animals raised for meat) should be treated with kindness and respect.
Please support us by reaching out to your lawmaker to stop these pro-animal cruelty acts from being voted into law!
Learn how to make your voice heard ➡️ https://campfiretreats.com/blogs/campfire-tales/what-is-the-eats-act
Also, a big THANK YOU to the organizations below for supporting farm animal welfare and for raising their voices against the EATS Act!
Actual Veggies, Applegate, ASPCA, ButcherBox, Compassion in World Farming (USA), duBreton, Earth Animal, Handsome Brook Farms, Hungryroot, Kipster, Kettle Cuisine, Mercy For Animals, Niman Ranch, North Country Smokehouse, Pederson's Farms, Perdue Farms, Roli Roti Rotisserie, Thrive Market, True Story Foods, Whole Foods Market, and Whole30.