Simply Dog

Simply Dog Simply letting dogs be dogs and helping humans learn to talk dog AKC evaluator. IAABC member Basic obedience.

Simply taught to help you build the human and dog bond.

Donations are a great way to help shelters and rescues., what's up! I'm helping out with ...

Donations are a great way to help shelters and rescues.

Hey, what's up! I'm helping out with a fundraiser for Seamstress, a sick momma cat, and her seven kittens who need extra veterinary care to find their forever homes. Every little bit helps, so if you can, please click the link below to donate or share the link. Thanks a bunch!

I am a current foster for the Parke Vermillion County Humane Shelter. On Ju… Susan Seitz needs your support for Help Seamstress and Kittens Find Forever Homes

Keep them home and keep them safe.  They don’t care if it’s July 4th

Keep them home and keep them safe. They don’t care if it’s July 4th

A resource for those with little ones and helping them learn how to interact with dogs

A resource for those with little ones and helping them learn how to interact with dogs

This one is in story format but discusses respecting space when eating and sleeping, not hitting when upset, etc.

Adorably illustrated book captures common, real-life challenges that young Henry encounters with his newly adopted puppy, Cooper. Simple lessons include allowing the dog to eat uninterrupted, patience in training, safety around the house for both child and dog, etc. Each dilemma is a learning opp...


Once again for the people in the back…


🔹Dogs don’t deliberately disobey or resist their humans, just because.

🔹Dogs are largely motivated by what is rewarding and reinforcing for them, and what is aversive and punishing for them.

🔹Sometimes, what the human wants the dog to do is not as rewarding as what the dog wants to do, or perhaps the dog finds it unpleasant or scary.

🔹To train a dog that seems stubborn, you need to make yourself more rewarding and reinforcing than anything else in the environment. Plus ensure the dog feels safe.

It's been a hot minute since our last post! We're still training, but with a focus on quality over quantity. We're worki...

It's been a hot minute since our last post! We're still training, but with a focus on quality over quantity. We're working with 4H and training a foster dog for adoption. Our teaching services include reward-based training, specializing in reinforcement training for good manners. If you need help outside of my schedule, check out Connie Swaim Canine Behavior Services in Rockville. She offers in home and virtual consultations and has expertise in working with reactive dogs. Don't hesitate to reach out for positive solutions to improve communication between you and your dog! Connie Swaim Canine Behavior Services

I have been remiss in posting lately. My apologies for the neglect. As always, school and my own dogs keep me busy. Howe...

I have been remiss in posting lately. My apologies for the neglect. As always, school and my own dogs keep me busy. However, I've added a foster German Shepherd puppy to our household because they need fosters. Puppies require socialization and strong foundations, so Nina joined us. She is an intelligent young pup who learns quickly. We also took in her sister temporarily since she needed a safe space. This experience inspired me to share some thoughts on raising pups. Puppies aren't babies; they shouldn't be carried around like toys. They deserve love, nurturing, confidence building, appropriate playthings, guidance, and understanding their language during growth into well-balanced adult canines. Connie Swaim Canine Behavior Services


Susan Seitz


There has been a lot of hype surrounding a local shelter not far from our area that is using a technique that honestly isn’t a technique at all. So in a positive light and with “myth busters” in mind see take a look at this video that’s “busts” why this is not good for dogs

📸 Watch this video on Facebook

We have slid into 2024.  Resolutions have been made.  Did you pick a resolution that includes your dog?   January is a p...

We have slid into 2024. Resolutions have been made. Did you pick a resolution that includes your dog? January is a perfect time for new beginnings and those new beginnings can include you and your dog spending time together.

Private lessons are available where we meet and work at your pace on your schedule with a goal in mind.

Class schedule is in the works and will be available later this month

Whatever you decide to do include your dog. Resolutions are so much better when you have a partner to work with!

Manners classes finished on Saturday.  Our human guardians are learning how their dogs communicate so they can help thei...

Manners classes finished on Saturday. Our human guardians are learning how their dogs communicate so they can help their dogs be better canines. Together we are better

Spending time and spending time training ones own dogs is not only an important part of the training piece for a trainer...

Spending time and spending time training ones own dogs is not only an important part of the training piece for a trainer. It is also just good for the soul

Colby and I spent the day working with search teams. Seeing what they do in fact I spent a lot of time hiding so other dogs could work! Positive and rewards based methods across the spectrum. Dogs loving what they do not being forced to do work.


Dog classes begin Saturday October 28 and are 4 weeks in duration ending on Saturday November 18. Canine Good Citizen CGC testing is available on 11/18.

To RSVP or for more information email me or send me a message.

I love 💕 my ACD but she’s right they are not for everyone.  I waited almost 20 years before adding one to my home knowin...

I love 💕 my ACD but she’s right they are not for everyone. I waited almost 20 years before adding one to my home knowing that my ACD would require much more from me than I had time for in the past. Colby is a great dog and we have come a long way together but we are by no means finished. Lots of training to come for both of us as this a a process not a race

10 years ago, we didn’t get cattle dogs in our shelters here in BC often. Now, you’ll find one or a mix almost always available for adoption. They’ve gone from purpose-bred farm hands to condo living in a generation. On top of that, they come equipped with software that isn’t welcome in most homes.

I work with more cattle dogs than any other breed, and many face rehoming, relinquishment to a shelter or much worse. They are often trained with punishment and force by backyard trainers who don’t understand them and are a high risk for poor welfare.

Don’t be fooled by Instagram VS reality. These are fun, athletic dogs and are wonderful to work with. But they are not always a good fit for a novice handler.

My recommendation, if you’re not committed to working with and sharing a home with a dog who is prone to reactivity, dog/dog issues and a strong inclination to use their mouths would be to adopt an older dog as their behaviour is developed and more predictable, allowing you to be more sure of what you’re taking on.

Cattle dogs need a lot of active socialization and training as pups and adolescence can be particularly long and gruelling with these dogs as their breed behaviours come to fruition.

They are one of my top favourite breeds, and I love everything about them, but that does not mean they are a good fit for everyone.

If you are struggling with your cattle dog, reach out. You’re not alone!

One of the first things we cover in class is Canine Body Language   It’s important you know what your dog is telling you...

One of the first things we cover in class is Canine Body Language It’s important you know what your dog is telling you. Great way to get a head start on class. Start learning your dogs language

Classes start October 28 to November 18. CGC testing 11/18 Message me or email if interested.

Interested in training classes.  We will begin group class October 28 and go for 4 consecutive weeks.  Classes will focu...

Interested in training classes. We will begin group class October 28 and go for 4 consecutive weeks. Classes will focus on Manners and socializing. Those interested in testing for the Canine Good Citizen CGC will have the opportunity to test on the last day of class. Classes are $100. Or $35 for a drop in session.

If interested send me a message or email at [email protected]

It’s National Dog Walk Week!  There are many benefits to walking your dog!

It’s National Dog Walk Week! There are many benefits to walking your dog!

Breed does matter.  I chose to get an ACD.  I knew what her ancestry was bred to do.  It is not easy having a dog that h...

Breed does matter. I chose to get an ACD. I knew what her ancestry was bred to do. It is not easy having a dog that has strong desires to rush grab and bite but it also isn’t fair for me to punish her for those behaviors either. Instead we work on appropriate behaviors. When it is allowed and when it isn’t allowed. It’s hard for her not to grab mom for attention. It’s hard for mom not to react when she is heeled from behind. Yet with patience persistence and lots of practice we both are learning. Just because I am a trainer doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with behaviors with my own dogs. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that Colby tries the patience of a saint. Yet learning together I know we both will have a lasting meaningful bond. You don’t expect a toddler to be an adult so you can’t expect a 12 month old dog to be finished learning. Just like we continually learn so do dogs. Good foundations help shape the future because training is a continuous process.

Make sure to choose your puppy with intention.

If guiding a dog on when and how to use their mouth is not for you, I highly recommend a breed other than one that uses biting/grabbing/chasing in their ancestry!

Creating a breed purpose-bred to rush, grab/bite, and then punishing it for displaying the behaviours is unethical. We must give them legal outlets for this behaviour and teach them when not to use their mouths without scary punishments.

Breeds will often use their software anytime they are aroused. This can be during play when they are overwhelmed, scared, upset or excited! This means heelers might not be for everyone.

Mozzie heels Griff during play and is gentle and appropriate. He does not mind. No border collies were hurt making this post!

Back at Christmas when the weather was cold and there was more time to write I started a journey. I was writing about th...

Back at Christmas when the weather was cold and there was more time to write I started a journey. I was writing about the dogs that have influenced me as a trainer. Dogs that I learned things from. Honestly though every single dog whether it be mine or someone else’s I learn something from. It really is true that dogs speak to those that listen.

I had a dog that truly spoke to me. All dogs speak but there are ones that come into your life an alter it. They change it for the better and make you a better person. I truly believe that at times there are dogs we encounter and they are sent to us to help us on our journey as a human Diego was that dog. This post isn’t easy to write because even after 7 years I miss this dog like crazy. I still cry when I tell his story and I still miss his presence.

Here’s his story:

November 19, 2015. I had to make the decision that no pet owner ever likes to make. However loving a pet means being able to make that decision no matter how hard it is to make. We make the decision because we love them. And in loving them comes the knowledge of knowing when it is time to say good bye.

Diego was found in the ditch out in front of the Billie Creek Inn, September 2002. Lynda and Cort Schuyler found him. Dr Laura Couch was the first to see the boy. He was in bad shape. All four limbs were swollen. He was riddled with infection cuts and nasty maggots. I met him after he was already set up in a cage in the groom shed and attached to fluids; giving him antibiotics and pain meds. They gave him 24 hours. He made it the first 24.and then for the next three days I cared for him and watched him make improvements. The 4th day I convinced Lynda and Cort that he needed a name. Since they were from Oceanside California, I suggested Diego. It stuck and the boy had a name. Lynda and Cort had to continue their trek out to Maryland and I promised them that I would continue to take care of him. Time progressed and along with his treatments Dr Laura wanted to try to save his front leg. So water therapy was done 3.times a day. The first week we had maggots come out the front leg and we continued on with the therapy. Eventually we would save the leg but Diego had to have two toes removed. We called it his T&T surgery. First time a toe and testicles and the second time we docked his wicked whip tail andntook the second toe. Diego was the only dog with a paw that carried the rock on hand symbol. Rock on he did!..After a long road his leg was saved and he rocked on with four legs. From the time we saved his leg up until his last day Diego never slowed down and kept on rocking.

Diego came to live with me in November of 2002. He was part of my learning to be single journey after divorce. He was my school buddy and my training buddy. He worked with the Labradors and helped whelp puppies. Both of my exchange daughters adopted him and slept with him at night. He was a horrible bed partner. He would sleep perpendicular and kick if you got to close. He literally went everywhere with me. Shows competitions 4H work and travels. Everyone knew Diego and Diego knew everyone. My parents swore he thought he was human. As he could be on the couch and you would think there was a full time teenager living with me. He was my confidence my strength and my courage when I needed it most. He was the one that when I began learning more about how dogs learn I would try things out with him. Never doubt their understanding because if I made mistakes which I did Diego honestly would help me learn to be better. He was a unique cross of pointer with Vizula. Smart silly and perceptive. Kind compassionate and understanding but most of all I knew he loved me. He showed me the cost of that love is precious but something I will never take for granted. I learned my heart has lots of love and passion for dogs and it needs to be shared as there are
so many who need it. I can’t adopt them all but Diego showed me through the kids and their dogs we can make a dent in our corner of the world.

I’m still on my training journey learning more and more as we continue to grow as a trainer and a dog person. Simply Dog is evolving and changing. The name changed to reflect what I have learned and to honor Diego. He was simply just a dog and I learned more from him then I ever could have imagined.

“I believe there are some people who can never know, or desire to know, what it’s like to have an animal embed itself so deeply in your life and your heart that losing it will tear fibers apart that can’t be sewn together again.” Diego was that dog for me. While he is no longer earth bound he left a legacy that remains with the dogs he touched and that pcarries on with me and them to the dogs I have and come into contact with.

On September 2nd Theo and his handler Val passed his Canine Good Citizen Test.  Patience practice and persistence have a...

On September 2nd Theo and his handler Val passed his Canine Good Citizen Test.

Patience practice and persistence have aided Val and Theo in this journey.

Congratulations Theo and Val!!
Valerie Barr

Sometimes spending time with your own dogs and refreshing their skills and yours is a very relaxing time. Planning a cla...

Sometimes spending time with your own dogs and refreshing their skills and yours is a very relaxing time.

Planning a class for after CBF so if you are wanting to refresh your dog. Spend time with your dog or just learn some new techniques. Let me know and I will add you to our list

Relationship Centered Training.  It’s no longer about dominance it’s no longer about making the dog submit to their owne...

Relationship Centered Training. It’s no longer about dominance it’s no longer about making the dog submit to their owners. Trainers that use outdated methods are not in touch with the science behind how dogs learn.

Twelve years ago I was a trainer that used a choke collar. It is what we used in “obedience” training. I went to a 6 month training program. My eyes were opened. I experienced watching how dogs learn and how we need to learn as humans to be better care takers of these wonderful animals.

Relationship centered training works. The bonds are real and lasting.

There is more than to your dog and what they are trying to communicate to you.

Are you ready to learn? Are you ready to listen?

Dogs speak to those who listen.


Notice of name change. My training methods haven’t changed. Just the name. Instead of the focus on “obedience” as the science dictates how I train it’s the Dog and learning to help owners understand how their dogs learn. This allows dogs to be dogs and owners to learn how to communicate with their dogs creating the human dog bond💗

UPDATE.  The adult CGC classes have been cancelled.  There just was not enough interest at this time.  No worries I am s...

UPDATE. The adult CGC classes have been cancelled. There just was not enough interest at this time.

No worries I am still available to help you train your dog on an individual basis. Contact me for details.

Next round of classes will be September/October

We will start our Walk Abouts up again now that it isn’t so hot. These will be twice a month at various locations in Parke County. Walk Abouts will be posted to this page


Susan Seitz
West Central Veterinary Services
Summer Seay

Helping humans understand why their dogs don't always do what the human wants them to do.


Super excited to be able to share exciting news with West
Central Indiana. Connie Swaim a native of Parke County has moved home. This is exciting on two levels she’s back in her home stomping grounds but most importantly she is an amazing trainer that has an awesome background in canine behavior. Her speciality is aggressive and reactive dogs. She is a Karen Pryor Training partner and has worked to put together an amazing program to support adoptive dogs at IACS. She is also involved in Search and Rescue!

I am so looking forward to having the opportunity having such a knowledgeable canine professional in our neck of the woods.

Please share share away this post so Connie can continue to give dogs a second chance an owners tools to help dogs be successful

Helping humans understand why their dogs don't always do what the human wants them to do.

Canine Good Citizen classes will begin Saturday August 12 and run consecutively until September 2nd.  If you are interes...

Canine Good Citizen classes will begin Saturday August 12 and run consecutively until September 2nd. If you are interested send me a DM for times and other details

I just love these webinars

I just love these webinars

Learn about Prey Drive: Often misunderstood, misrepresented, or confused with other behaviours, we'll dive into the fundamentals, exploring what prey drive is and how it manifests in herding dogs.

Prey Drive is our friend and (in some cases) our foe. We use it to our advantage, but we also often struggle with dealing with dogs who love to hunt and chase.

How is it different from reactivity? How can it be used in our favour? Will it make our dogs aggressive? What is "predatory drift"?

We will learn practical and ethical ways to channel and utilize your dog's prey drive in training, enrichment and exercise. Learn to work with your dog rather than trying to suppress this natural set of behaviours!

Myth Busting: We'll debunk common misconceptions surrounding prey drive, ensuring you have accurate information.

Interactive Q&A: Engage directly with me and get your questions answered during our live Q&A session.

Whether you're a seasoned dog trainer or a devoted herding breed owner, this webinar promises valuable insights and practical tips for navigating your dog's natural instincts.


$28 CAD/APPROX. $21.00 USD

Instagram: Link in bio!

Susan Seitz

Susan Seitz

UPDATE CLASSES WILL BEGIN SATURDAY AUGUST 12 and go until Saturday September 2

Possibly 2 time slots depending on interest and class size.

Contact me for the Google Form that includes additional details

UPDATE CLASSES WILL BEGIN SATURDAY AUGUST 12 and go until Saturday September 2Possibly 2 time slots depending on interes...

UPDATE CLASSES WILL BEGIN SATURDAY AUGUST 12 and go until Saturday September 2

Possibly 2 time slots depending on interest and class size.

Contact me for the Google Form that includes additional details


Rockville, IN



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