A friend says to me "God never gives you more than you can handle."
I have always hated that phrased and never really agrees with it but it is something that others say to you to make you think that your friend is trying to be encouraging when the only person at all encouraged by it is the one who is saying it.
GOD DOES GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN HANDLE... and for the 1st time in my life, I said that. The other person's mouth parted and eyes got wide while saying "uh...well..."
Again, I stepped in and said the words that were coming straight from heaven to my heart.
"GOD ALWAYS GIVES ME MORE THAN I CAN HANDLE. After all, if I could handle it alone, why would I need to even turn to God or trust God at all?? If I could handle what was given to me, then I would lack the deep strength, trust, faith that I have only gotten by going through impossible situations (THROUGH and not AROUND) and finally reaching the other side. It has taught me not just simple faith, but how to literally cling to the robes of his garments, with my hands clenched tight, hanging on , knowing that my life depends on it.Things go wrong in life probably more than things go right, but the lessons that I remember and cherish the most are those lessons that came from the pure anguish of knowing I cannot survive without the Father picking me up and then teaching me to walk correctly on my own, first with God's support, then just holding my hands as we walk side by side together. Oh I may stumble and still occasionally fall, but God picks us back up, wipes the rocks and sand from our hands and legs to tell us to just keep going."
Hope that God sees you as worthy enough to be given more than you can handle, since that is how we become strong Warriors of God!
Written by La'Dawn Murrell
May be shared or copied as long as the author is given the credit.