Dear Furry Clients and your Loving Humans,
Happy New Year! In February 2024, I will have been running my pet sitting business for 20 years! As some of you know, I have gotten a second job to supplement my income. I will NOT be closing my business, I adore my pet sitting and will still be pet sitting! I love this business, but unfortunately it is not financially enough for me to survive. I cannot justify raising my rates again, it’s just the nature of living in a rural area with not enough clients.
I have started my new job at Protect Every Pet, a spay & neuter clinic in Bland! I work there on Monday, Wednesday, & occasionally Fridays. For kitty clients, not much should change at all, I will still be pet sitting before and after work, all weekdays, all day on the weekends, and holidays. For clients with doggies who need me MID-DAY on Monday and Wednesday, we may have to make some changes to our visits but I’m hoping we can still find a way to make pet sitting work. I am hiring a retired friend, Debby Murphy, to do mid day sits on those needed days, we will set up a meet and greet before she will petsit for you.
Please contact me as early as possible for your dates so we can discuss how pet sitting and visits will look for your family!
I want to stress that I do not want to lose my pet sitting business! I hope that my clients will contact me and we will be able to work around my Monday & Wednesday midday visits. Thank you so much for your loyalty and trusting me with your furry babies all these years, I hope there are many more to come!
Karen Orozco
Hound At Home Pet Sitting