When it’s a day full of dogs your size 🐩😂🥴
300ish lbs of baby dog, it’s a lawless wasteland around here 😂
Hey guys! I just wanted to update you all! I started October out with a bang! Literally. I had a car wreck. So I’m still getting back into the swing of things! But the swing of things has been a lot different lately.
I wanted to apologize for seeming distant and somewhat out of touch with the shop.
Ill be honest I’m grieving guys.
Iv talked about the loss and heart ache of being a groomer before but honestly it’s feels so surreal this year specifically. Iv lost so many off my original babies.
Iv had to make the call to no longer groom some of the ones who I love/ loved so so dearly for THEIR safety and well-being. It’s been beyond heartbreaking and exhausting.
After 10 years the number has grown so substantially and heart break has eased none. I find myself crying at work on days that your dogs should’ve been there but are no longer, I grieve the ones whose faces continue to grey.
You’ll never truly know how much each of your babies mean to me! Some of these babies have been coming to see me for the last decade. It’s so hard watching them get older, just as I know it’s hard for you guys to see.
Working with a large variety of dogs of all varying ages- there’s a lot of seasons of life. And this season has been very painful.
Please love on your babies for me. I’m just having a hard day guys. I just found out one of my long time babies passed this morning, that makes 4 in the last 2 weeks, totaltlilg around 80+ babies this year alone not including 6 of my own pack. And to be honest the loss over the years is just really taking it’s toll me.
It’s so hard going to a “job” every day where you invest your heart and soul, and literally form bonds and attachments to these sweet animals and then lose them later on in masses. You guys are and always have been more than just a client, you’re my family. Please be patient with me through this season, I’m truly doin the best I can.
Filling my passed babies rotations, with new clien
just got off. Iv been here since 9 this morning.
And this is my PSA for today.
So this me breaking it down for everyone 🫠
You no brushy brushy, I shavey shavey.
#onlythebestgodowntown #yallgonestopplayinwithme😂
Andddddd, drum roll please!🥁🥁🥁
Our winners are announced!
Please watch the video until the end!🐶
Winners, please give us a call, text, or message on Facebook to book your appointment!
#contest #winners #TheDowntownDog #onlythebestgodowntown
A little pick me up for your Friday! My grumpy old man got to see his beagle in rehab yesterday💕💕
Thank you all so much for calling and checking on him, it brightens his day knowing he’s missed at the shop, and gives him strength to get better and get back to work, petting all the pups! We are truly blessed with amazing clients.
Some cuteness to make y’alls Friday a little brighter, courtesy of Gus and this sweet girl. #wetreatemlikeourown #BestofRome
Sweet baby Cali absolutely loves bath time at The Downtown Dog! Do you know another dog that loves to sing in the rain? If you do we’re running a refer a friend special, refer someone and their pup, and you both receive 5$ off on any grooming service! Like, share, follow to stay up to date with everything going on, definitely don’t wanna miss any of these cute faces! #singingintherain #doodledays #dapperdogsonlygodowntown #bestofrome
❤️❤️❤️ want your pup to be clean & happy?! Call us today!! Ellie looks incredible!!