VERY successful morning! Everyone is tired out from playing and ready for an afternoon nap! When you come to the kennel and I am full like this weekend, you can appreciate this calm and quiet, it does not happen easily let me tell you…. LOL
Another long video, but so darn cute! Pudge is so young and so big but smart and aware ❤️ She is so courteous with this old girl! They have been inseparable this whole week!
This is the growler you heard in the other video lol, shes just a big talker 😂 and LOVES tug of war HAHA!!!!
Pudge will miss her as much as I will
Sometimes when a little old guy is cold from outside and asks to go to the bed to warm up, I have to drop everything and make sure he is happy.
This is a long video, and he is not growling, it is his sister playing with a toy on my lap LOL but it is worth the watch ❤️
I will miss them when mom and dad get home. It is hard NOT to fall in love with my (furry four legged) kids 🤗
One day I may video the crazy, but this is after the crazy when I say TIME OUT EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
Just 2 young lab “pups” having a play date ❤️
Nice cool day, just about ALL the dogs are out, the others just came in.
*Dirty bucket because the water dogs like to get inside of it lol. I clean and refill at least 3 times a day when they want to play in them 😵💫(and I may have tossed a big rock inside to see how deep they would go to get it 😂)