Borrowed from another page. The pic is me and my Queenie. I don’t wear my muzzle because I am a bad dog. I don’t wear my muzzle because my owner doesn’t love me.
I don’t wear my muzzle because I want you to be scared of me.
I wear my muzzle because I am a good dog.
I wear my muzzle because my owner does love me.
I wear my muzzle because you, your dog and my safety matters.
- I know it has been said thousands of times but the stigma still exists and I want people to not only NOT be afraid when they see a muzzled dog but be educated on the topic, not all dogs who wear one are mean or want to hurt you or your dog, some wear it because they eat things such as rocks or other foreign objects or the owner just wants to be proactive.
*Some friendly tips to remember when you see a muzzled dog
- Don’t be rude and keep your comments to your self.
- DONT just run away, it doesn’t help reactive dogs.
-If you have a dog, keep it away and leash it up if it’s unleashed until you asses the situation.
-Most muzzled dog owners will be up front about why they have a muzzled dog, if they say not friendly go on about your day and don’t bother the dog.
-If you feel scared of a muzzled dog, go to the other side of the road if the dog owner already hasn’t.
Dogs with a properly fitted muzzle can eat, drink and pant, it does not harm the dog when properly used, don’t deem owners who use one bad, they love their dog and are trying their best to protect them.
As a muzzled dog mom myself it’s highly stressful on walks not because of my dog himself or me not knowing my dog, my stress comes from uneducated people or owners because of prior experiences, and I know I am not the only one.
So please, if you see a muzzled dog don’t be scared and don’t think bad of the dog or owner smile and wave or just do nothing at all as if you were walking by a “normal” dog because muzzled dogs are still normal dog. Just misunderstood dogs who want to live a happy normal life too.