Dr. Cheetham’s girl, Willow had to go all out with mechanical wings for Halloween! We love you Willow! ❤️
Vet Tech Week! As tech week comes to a close, we just want to say how much we appreciate all of our vet techs. These veterinary technicians have huge hearts and have dedicated their careers to helping to save the lives of our beloved pets. Our technicians are empathetic, compassionate, smart, detail-oriented, driven, and fun. Thank you for helping us celebrate all of these amazing employees!❤️
I had to share this video of our camping trip. Murphy figured out how to get himself out of the trailer and we finally got it on video. 😂
Here is Eileen! She is acclimating quite well as a one legged chick!❤️
Check out this cute little cuddle puddle in Newport! They are so cute, but so LOUD!😂
April is heartworm awareness month and on Monday we had a positive case of heartworm in our clinic. This video shows heartworm under our microscope in just one drop of blood. Heartworm disease is very preventable if your pet is kept on a year round preventative. We have several options, including an injection that protects for a whole year! Talk with our veterinarians and we can find the right preventative for you and your pet!
Here are some of our pets living their best lives enjoying the outdoors!
Here are some of our own pets being their derpiest selves. 😂
Sleepy pet post! Here are some of our employee pets catching their zzzzz’s😴. We want to see all of your sleepy babies!❤️
Fun Fact Friday!
Our technicians are the best ever! Here is a little slideshow of all of our amazing ladies. Happy Veterinary Technician Week and thank you to all of our clients and patients for letting us live this life and do what we love to do for you and your pets!❤️🐾
It’s not hard to see how much Tango loved seeing Dr. Lindsey Cheetham today!😍😍😍
Check out this great catch by Polaris today! He was in for his annual vaccines today, and had to show off his skills!