THIS is after a FULL day tearing around the back yard and 2.5 hours in the car and they are still full of themselves 😂 They also like football…getting rowdy when things get exciting - here they are practicing their best tackle.
Everyone can hear (BAER normal), vision looks great, they’ve had two check-up’s and all looks / sounds good! Sherpa/crate training is in full effect - they’re improving, and they are pretty much adjusted to their puppy collars.
Happy Campers are keeping me on my toes these last, few days!!! I love them all so much. Super proud of these puppies… ♥️
What a busy week/end!! The Happy Campers had visitors, were exposed for the first time to human remains, had lessons with the water bottles, explored different rooms in the house and 3 new indoor surfaces, had 5 days of new sounds as ambient noise, got to go outside multiple times and play with their tunnel and on their swing, dine al fresco on the patio, had their first practice following a tug toy, had their nails dremeled again and we ended this evening with their first bath. So proud of how they are handling every, new challenge…they are so clever, so sweet and BUSY now that there is more room in their big pen and more adventures to explore in the great outdoors!
It’s all I can do to keep up with working and teaching while raising these kiddos, so weekends are for catching up and spending lots of time with them. Thanks so much for your help, Bobbi & Renee…couldn’t do it without you!
“Do it until you’re proud”
Larger pen, thanks to Nanny Poppins!!!! They are loving the space and toys!!
3 week old Happy Campers 🏕️
We have visits lined up this weekend as well as exposures to moving surfaces, wood, metal, rubber, stone and wagon rides and a short car ride around the neighborhood to get them used to crate travel in the car... we will do that several times a week from here on out.
We have been on raw & goats milk 🐐 since Tuesday in addition to nursing and everyone is super happy! Some of these kids are already experimenting with the water bottles and know where to find them! Potty training is going well with lots of success seeing them seek out their area.
Ah, I love a clean pen!! 🙌