One of four new queens on the farm! 👑 We are excited to welcome four new hives to our place. We can’t wait for the honey flow! 🐝
#homewardfarm #hfbees #queenbee
Good morning ☀️ We are happy to be here with @a2ndcup this morning at the 11th Street Market! 9:00am - 1:00pm today. Come by, SHOP LOCAL this season and check out this great market 🎄 10% of all our sales goes to benefit A 2nd Cup and their efforts to stand up against human trafficking. 🙌🏽| #shopforacause #shoplocal #tileveryoneisfree #homewardfarm #marketdays
Moving day: The little birds outgrew their brooder. This is an upside to mild Texas weather. They can enjoy fresh grass much sooner in their life! | #pasturedpoultry #homewardfarm
Honey harvest is the best. Everyone gathers around for a sweet taste of the seasons. Here we cut off the wax caps from the frames. We load it into our extractor and spin the honey out of the hundreds of little hexagonal honey comb cells. | #homewardfarm #hfbees #rawhoney #savethebees #honeyharvest
We discover what is thriving in the blazing gardens of Texas summer. Swallowtail Caterpillars prepare for their transformation nap. 🦋
We love our bees at #homewardfarm 🌻 This bumble is working over one of our sunflowers. Bumbles are master cross-pollinators! Excellent for tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, melons and other seed crops like this flower. 🐝 | #hfbees #pollinators #crosspollination #savethebees
Mother’s Day Makeovers.
#homewardfarm #pastureraised #hfchickens #chickensofinstagram
It was a risk but we planted cosmos with hope for late fall blooms. I know the bees appreciate the pops of color! I love how her shadow dances on the flower, and her pollen sacs are showing on her back legs. These are perks of living in zone 9! | #homewardfarm #savethebees
The chickens are chowing down on kale this afternoon. With organic gardening methods comes natural pest control. We do not use any pesticides on our garden so we prune back any kale or swiss chard that has holes in it due to a bug‘s diet. 🐛 And the chickens get an awesome diet supplement while simultaneously keeping the caterpillar population in check. Win-win! #homewardfarm #knowyourfood #organicgardening #pasturedeggs #kaleyeah #farmlife
Fluffy chicks! 🐥 From day one chicks scratch and peck for food. Today they enjoyed a little bit of fresh mint and parsley. We like to introduce fresh food as soon as possible. 🌱 #pasturedpoultry #homewardfarm
Yesterday we experienced HOPE and respite from winter in our garden. In the midst of winter’s muck and mire, it can be hard to remember the joys of nature. We are thrilled to see signs of season change on the Texas Gulf Coast! Here is a lovely lady dancing into spring on a dill flower. 🐝 | #homewardfarm #pollinators #honeybee #springiscoming #houstonfarms
Happy Saturday! ☀️ Our poultry birds are heading out to make it a great day. We hope your weekend is fresh and free. ✌🏽| #homewardfarm #pasturedpoultry #pastureraised #farmfresh #saturdaymorning #houstonfarm