The next CAWL low cost spay/neuter clinic is Sunday February 16th-Thursday February 20th.
I’ve started my scheduling process. If you’ve contacted me by leaving your name, number & pet info then you’re on my call/waitlist . I’m calling from 915-549-7575, if you’re not able to answer, I’ll leave a message if I’m able to. Please make sure that your voicemail is set up and not full. Spots fill up fast as I go down the call list so if you missed my call you’ll need to get back to me asap to secure a spot. I do not call back, if you don’t get back to me them I assume our services are no longer needed and you’re no longer on the list. You’ll need to contact me again if you want back on the list. If you don’t receive a call by February 11th then we’ve filled up before I could get to your name on the list. You’ll be transferred to the top of the waitlist for one of the next clinics, March 9-13, April 21st-24th or June 23rd-26th depending on how long it takes to get to your name on the waitlist. The waitlist is fairly long, especially for stray/feral cats. As of now we are prioritizing female dogs and pet cats to better utilize CAWL’s limited times here. Male dogs and pet cats will be fill-ins when needed. Please keep in mind that CAWL is not local, they travel from Colorado as often as they can to serve our community. We do our best to accommodate as many as we can while they’re here. We’re a nonprofit, run mostly by volunteers. If you have the means to seek regular veterinary spay/neuter services please do to leave room for those that really need our low cost services. Thank you.
Some things to make note of:
*Owned dogs and cats only. Stray/ferals (community cats) are allowed.
* Owner needs to be present to drop off their pet and sign consent form.
*No purebred/fancy bred dogs bought from a breeder, it’s counterproductive and we do not support this practice.
*We can’t take dogs or cats under 2 pounds in weight or over 7 years old. They don’t do well under anesthesia and are considered high risk.
*Pet cats & stray/tame cats in crates will need a p*e pad or towel for them to sit on.
*Be sure to walk your dog to potty before dropping them off with us.
*All dogs will need to be picked up when I call that they’re ready. Usually sometime between 10am-12pm. We do not/cannot board dogs.
*Feral/wild cats must be in a trap. If you can’t handle them, we can’t either. Crates are too hard to access to sedate them.
* We are no longer taking male dogs over 80lbs
Dogs (up to 80lbs) $100 includes vaccines if needed.
Female dogs only (81lbs & over) $100+over weight charges.
Pet cats $50 includes vaccines if needed.
Stray/feral cats $25 includes vaccines and big left ear tip.
CAWL (Colorado Animal Welfare League)
710 E College blvd
Roswell NM 88201