Everyday Life Training for Dogs by JPAW was started in June 2014 and is committed to helping Roswell, Chaves County and the surrounding area residents train their dogs to become an integrated part of the family and society. I believe that dogs are part of the family but should also have manners and boundaries that the owner (handler of the dog) sets at home and in public. Jimmy trains the handler
about dog behaviors and learning techniques while helping the handler and dog gain confidence with each other, building a lasting relationship and encouraging the handler and dog to have fun together. Please notice I said I train the handler; I do not train your dog, I train YOU to handle your own dog. My training techniques work off from dog instincts, drives/temperaments, pack structure, patience, exercise, discipline/reward, and affection. I do not encourage treat training but rather help you find something else that will encourage good behavior to continue happening. I know that not every handler or every dog learns the same and will try to work with you to help your team learn best.. I know that I am not the only trainer out there and actually encourage handlers/dogs to search out a variety of training options that will work best for them. About the Trainer:
Jimmy grew up in Roswell. He has worked as everything from a cowboy and ranch hand to a funeral director, painter and a correctional officer. He has an Associate degree in Police Science and has been a Law Enforcement Officer since 1999. He has been an instructor trainer in law enforcement for more than ten years and in 2003, started his K-9 Handler training. He is a Certified Handler for Scent, Protection, Tracking and Decoying. He enjoys high drive, hard temperament dogs and he is the go-to for "aggression issues". After handling a K9 for approximately 4 years, the program was discontinued but he maintained his dog-knowledge by helping friends train their dogs along with furthering his education via books and videos. Jimmy is a firm believer that all people learn differently, just as dogs do. Jimmy has a 6 year old black Pekingese named Bo**er (yes, he IS a bo**er) who is the boss of the dog pack at home, has an incredible ball drive for a small dog and hikes with him as well as any big dog ever has. He also has a 2 year old black German Shepherd named Sheba. Sheba is his treadmill running, 40" high jumping, bike "riding", dutch speaking, backpack carrying dog. She goes hunting with him and true to her breed is dubbed the "german shedder" as she sheds her shiny black fur like mad. She is one of the demonstration dogs during our group classes and shows a high drive/hard temperament. I offer a variety of classes. All classes come with eligibility to participate in bimonthly "Pack Walks"; these are completely voluntary but helpful continuation of your training. All participating dogs and people meet at a local park in Roswell, NM and walk about an hour, together in a pack. We work on distractions, perfecting your heel, socialization and learning how to bring classroom study into everyday life! Use the time to chat with other like minded people or ask us other doggie questions... Once you have attended one of JPAW's trainings you are forever welcome to attend a pack walk for FREE; I still have dogs that meet us from over a year ago! Also, I do not limit the dogs to solely class dogs, "sibling" or other household dogs are welcome to walk; it's a family event. Think: FREE "lifetime" training! The basic class is in a group setting with between 8-12 other handler/dog teams. The demonstration dog may be used throughout the class for props, to show what is expected of your dogs and as a distraction. Basic group class is 7 weeks in length and runs one night per week for one hour. Class is located inside and focuses on learning how to be patient, heel and gives you the building blocks to teach your dog the basics: heel, sit, stay, down, leave it. This is the most basic class and is ideal to take with your puppy over 4 months old, young adult dog, dogs that you want to socialize, work on at-home problems or refresh obedience. Basic class costs $150 for the 7 week class. Ask about discounts for your rescue dog! (Rescue discount is available for group basic class only within 6 months after being rescued from any rescue organization, with proof via receipt. Contact me for more information!)
In order to participate in thw advanced class, the handler/dog team must have taken a basic class OR can show an ability to demonstrate "heel", "sit", "down" and "stay" while on leash. Class is in a group setting with between 6 - 10 other handler/dog teams. The demonstration dogs may be used throughout the class for props, to show what is expected of your dogs and as a distraction. Class is 6 weeks in length and runs one night per week for one hour. The advanced class, using time, distance and distraction, works on further developing the basic commands and learning fun new tricks while working toward competency, on a very loose leash, long line or off leash. I may hold class in various locations, including outside, to test the dog's ability to ignore distractions while training. This class would be good for someone who wants to continue with their dog's training, work on furthering their communication, teamwork and have fun. Advanced class costs $150 for the 6 week session. Private lessons vary depending on what you are looking for and your dog's drives and temperament. Private lessons will always be one trainer to one handler/dog team. I recommend a meeting with you and your dog to discuss your goals and get to know your dog prior to committing to a private lesson. This evaluation costs $20 and usually lasts one hour but the $20 can be applied toward the basic group class or private lessons. The private lessons are paid per hour with a 2 hour minimum. The time can be spent in 2 X one hour classes or 3 X 40 minute classes, which ever is best for your schedule. This option would be good for some dogs with aggression issues, dogs that are shy or fearful, or if you have specific issues you want to cover not trained in our basic class. Private lessons run at $100/hr with a minimum of 2 hours (= $200) for one dog/handler to one trainer. Possible discounts available for longer private training sessions. AKC Canine Good Citizen Program was started in 1989 by the American Kennel Club. ..."the CGC Program is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club." The CGC is available as a title to any dog registered through AKC and is a good stepping stone into other activities such as obedience, agility, tracking, etc. I hold CGC testing every so often, (no set schedule) based on demand...
More information about the AKC Canine Good Citizen can be found at
We also offer AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and AKC Community Canine programs. Contact us for more information. The cost for an AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, CGC or CGCA testing is $15/test for those who have gone through any training by JPAW or $20 for a new client.