Private Tours start at $10 per person or $5 if you are a member of Friends of Spring River Zoo. NOTICE OF SOCIAL MEDIA PARTICIPATION POLICY
Comments on City of Roswell social media sites are open to the public and the City encourages public participation in City related discussions. The purpose of the City's participation in social media is to enhance communication, collaboration, information exch
ange and transparency from the City to its residents. The City uses social media to engage and educate residents, to learn about needs and concerns, to contribute to relevant conversations, and to promote City programs and services. Please be aware that the City maintains its social media as a "limited public forum," meaning that the City does not delete or hide public comments on the basis of content or viewpoint expressed. Nevertheless, the City does reserve the right to curate public comments to ensure that discussion is on-topic to city business and other matters of public concern relevant to the particular site and/or post in question. Examples of off-topic content which may be deleted or hidden include, without limitation:
• Solicitations of commerce or advertisements including promotion or endorsement.
• Comments of a sexual nature or links to obscene content.
• Personal insults and attacks, as distinguished from subject matter relevant criticism or dispute.
• Threats of violence or physical harm. In addition, the City reserves the right to eliminate or hide public comments which may violate the law or infringe the rights of others, such as:
• Violations of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.
• Comments disclosing personally identifiable information of third parties, such as address, phone number, Social Security number, or other sensitive personal information.
• Encouragement or solicitation of imminent unlawful conduct. Any comment posted on City social media accounts by anyone other than an authorized City staff member acting on behalf of the City, is the opinion of the commentator or poster only. Publication of a comment or post does not imply endorsement of or agreement by the City, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the City Council or Administration. The City does not guarantee the truth or accuracy of any information posted by members of the public. Public commenters and posters are fully and solely responsible for the content they submit. Users participate at their own risk and are personally responsible for their own comments, username, and any information provided. The City disclaims any responsibility or liability for advertisements, videos, promoted content, links, posts or comments posted by visitors to its pages. Any comments or postings submitted to City social media sites may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act found in NMSA 1978 § 14-2-1 et seq. For that reason, users should refrain from including their telephone numbers, home addresses, email addresses, and any other private information.