Oh, Beagles—the adorable little chaos machines disguised as dogs. These stubborn, food-obsessed scent hounds will track a single crumb across the house but somehow “forget” their name when you call them. Their entire personality revolves around sniffing things, stealing food, and making noises that range from a dying goose to a full-blown demon summoning.
Training a Beagle? Good luck. They have the independence of a cat and the discipline of a toddler on a sugar rush. And don’t even think about letting them off-leash unless you enjoy filing missing dog reports. They’ll follow a scent straight into the next zip code without a single thought about coming back.
Oh, and that “Beagle charm”? Yeah, it’s just their way of distracting you while they raid your kitchen. You don’t own a Beagle—your Beagle owns you… and your snacks.