As some know we took a break from rescue approximately two years ago and started pet sitting and boarding. At that time we had been in rescue either fostering for another rescue or our own for over a decade.
Some may ask why we stopped when it seems the need is ALWAYS there. The short answer is burnout. You get burned out of always asking for help with fostering. Always being declined or given an excuse that their dogs don’t get along with others. Or worse having a foster to commit to a dog only to return when it’s not getting adopted quick enough. Always having another dog dumped in your neighborhood. Always being tagged for strays like you hold the magic wand to get a dog vetted, adjusted to a home environment, find a good home, then hope it doesn’t return after a couple of years when the adopter no longer wants to deal with them. The constant owner surrender e-mails saying if you can’t take my dog I’ll be forced to take him to the shelter. As if trying to make us feel guilty will somehow clear space.
Texas is burdened with strays and people dumping and not microchipping their dog. We scan hundreds of dogs and very few are reunited with an owner that wants them back. They either don’t have a chip, the registered owner claims they know nothing about the dog, or that it’s been rehomed several times over.
I always see pics posted of stray dogs saying can someone go help these pour souls. The answer is no, we’re full and we will be full until more people step up and help foster.
Fostering is the answer to the stray problem we face in Texas.