A-Z Aquatic

A-Z Aquatic Aquatic & Indoor Plants, Community Fish, Reptiles, Snakes, Bearded Dragons, Crested Gecko, monitor, Chameleon, frogs, amphibian

Hours to stop by and visit, we have delivery every Saturday plus Shipping is available. Monday & Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-7
Friday 10-5
Saturday 10-7
Sunday 10-6

Jan 15th Plants!! ......Best prices in DFW, run by hobbyist for hobbyist. New Aquatic & Terrestrial Plants 🌿 Available. ...

Jan 15th Plants!! ......Best prices in DFW, run by hobbyist for hobbyist. New Aquatic & Terrestrial Plants 🌿 Available. New Reptiles 🦎... Check out our complete Livestock 🐟 list here

Purple Cabomba Bunch $5
Varigated Temple Bunch $5
Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch $5
Dwarf Sag Potted $6
Super Red Ludwigia Stem Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan Bunch $5
Pogostemon Dassen Bunch $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga Bunch $5
Dwarf Subulata Bunch $3
Rotala Indica Bunch $5
Lg Barteri 10-12
Large Frazeri Anubias $12
Large Nana Anubias $10
Pontederiifoli Crypt Med. $3
Jungle Val $1.50
CorkScrew Val $1.50
Amazon Sword Med. $4

Bronze Wendtii
Red Wendtii
Green Wendtii
Red Flame Sword
Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword
Giant Hairgrass
Dwarf Sag Potted

Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch
Varigated Temple Bunch $$5
Ludwigia Super Red Bunch $5
Rotala H'ra Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan $5
Pogostemon Dassen $5
Rotala Indica $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga $5

Small Potted Variety $4
Begonia Rex $15
Lithops $8
Mickey Mouse $20
Anacampseros Rufescens $4
Xanthosoma Sm. $7
Xanthosoma Lg. $25
Diffenbachia Med. $8
White Princess $20
Curly Spider $7
Pothos $7
Alocasia varigated Mickey Mouse $20
Staghorn Ferns $8
Birds $22


Reptiles updated Thursday
Shrimp will be added Friday


Prices hobbyist can afford .... Starting Jan 14th... Live Stock List, Fish & Reptiles ....local in-store pick-up. Price is the number next to the item listed. Plants Restocked. A-Z Aquatic. Run by hobbyist for hobbyist

Cardinal Tetras 2.50
Neon Tetra 2.25
Black Neon Tetras 2.25
Ember Tetra 2.25
Red Eye Tetra 2.25
Serpae Tetra 2.25
Amano Shrimp 5
Ghost Shrimp. 50
Female Bettas 5 Restocked
Harlequin Rasbora 2.25
Garra Ruffa Small 5 Pedicure fish
SAE 2.25
Gold Barbs 2.25
Buenos Aires Tetra 2,25
Columbian Red & Blue 2.25
Pea Puffers 5
Kuhili Loach 2.25
Zebra Danio 2
Bristlenose 8
Super Red and Lemon Blue Eye Sm. 8
Male Bettas 5
Female Bettas 5
Platys 1.50
Columbian Snails 3

Large Hermit Crabs $6

●Reptiles this week......
Adult bearded Dragons 75

Pixie Frog 32
Albino PacMan 18
Pikachu PacMan 25
Albino Iguana 350
Green Iguana 35
Red Iguana 35
Oustatlets Giant Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon Green 125
Chubby Frog 15
Gold Tegu small 75
Crested Gecko Pairs 100 must have proper enclosure
Dune small Scorpion 16
Cobalt Blue Tarantula 50

●Ball Pythons: this is a small list of what is instock, we have a large variety to choose from instock
Mojave 75
Yellowbelly 65
Pastel 75
Banana Pied sub adult 250
Pastel Leopard 100
Super Pastel 140
Adult Male Banana 200
1.0 Pastel Clown Adult 175.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Leopard Firefly 100.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon Pinstripe 150.
0.1 Pastel Pinstripe 125.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon 150
0.1 Lesser Pastel 100.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Yellowbelly Pinstripe 150
0.1 Pastel 75.
1.0 Pastel Sub Adult 100
0.1 Yellowbelly Het Clown 75
1.0 Super Pastel 125
0.1 Enchi 75.
1.0 100% Het Pied 40. Or 》》》Free to teachers
0.1 100% Het Pied 40
Adult het pied male 50. Or 》》》FREE to Teachers
Teachers Contact Us for your classroom 《《《《
..............Corn & King Snakes ...........
Albino Milk Snake 45
Milk Snake Pueblan 45
Milk Snake Nelson 45
Albino Corn Snake 35.
Motley Corn Snake 65
Hypomelanistic Striped California King 60
Aztec/Zig Zag Corn 75.
Tessera Kasatine 65
Classic Corn Snake 35


Fish, Plants & Reptiles restocked this week...


Open 10-7 if you get bored....... we're here
Plant loaded, Livestock list is posted

Jan 8th Plants!! ......Best prices in DFW, run by hobbyist for hobbyist. New Aquatic & Terrestrial Plants 🌿 Available. N...

Jan 8th Plants!! ......Best prices in DFW, run by hobbyist for hobbyist. New Aquatic & Terrestrial Plants 🌿 Available. New Reptiles 🦎... Check out our complete Livestock 🐟 list here https://www.facebook.com/100064062789234/posts/1021514013327349/

Purple bacopa Bunch $2 《《《Super Special
Med. Madagascar Lace $7
Purple Cabomba Bunch $5
Varigated Temple Bunch $5
Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch $5
Marble Queen Sword Potted $6
Dwarf Sag Potted $6
Monte Carlo Potted $6
Super Red Ludwigia Stem Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan Bunch $5
Pogostemon Dassen Bunch $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga Bunch $5
Dwarf Subulata Bunch $3
Rotala Indica Bunch $5
Lg Barteri 10-12
Large Frazeri Anubias $12
Large Nana Anubias $10
Pontederiifoli Crypt Med. $3
Jungle Val $1.50
CorkScrew Val $1.50
Amazon Sword Med. $4

Bronze Wendtii
Red Wendtii
Green Wendtii
Red Flame Sword
Red Rubin Sword
Monte Carlo
Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword
Marble Queen Sword Potted
Giant Hairgrass
Dwarf Sag Potted

Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch
Varigated Temple Bunch $$5
Ludwigia Super Red Bunch $5
Rotala H'ra Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan $5
Pogostemon Dassen $5
Rotala Indica $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga $5

Small Potted Variety $4
Xanthosoma Sm. $7
Xanthosoma Lg, $25
Diffenbachia Cougar Med. $8
Curly Spider $7
Pothos $7
Staghorn Ferns $8
Alocasia Dragon Scale $7


Prices hobbyist can afford .... Starting Jan 8th... Live Stock List, Fish & Reptiles ....local in-store pick-up. Price is the number next to the item listed. Plants Restocked Wednesday. A-Z Aquatic. Run by hobbyist for hobbyist

Angel Fish 5
Blue Acara 5
Pea Puffers 5
Gold Barbs 2.25
Kuhili Loach 2.25
Adult Black skirts 2.25
Bristlenose 10
Super Red and Lemon Blue Eye Sm. 8
Male Bettas 5
Female Bettas 5
Platys 1.50
XLG Fahaka 100.
Columbian Snails 3

Large Hermit Crabs $6

●Reptiles this week......
Adult bearded Dragons 75

Pixie Frog 32
Albino PacMan 18
Pikachu PacMan 25
Albino Iguana 350
Green Iguana 35
Red Iguana 35
Oustatlets Giant Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon Green 125
Chubby Frog 15
Gold Tegu small 75
Crested Gecko Pairs 100 must have proper enclosure
Dune small Scorpion 16
Cobalt Blue Tarantula 50

●Ball Pythons: this is a small list of what is instock, we have a large variety to choose from instock
Mojave 75
Yellowbelly 65
Pastel 75
Banana Pied sub adult 250
Pastel Leopard 100
Super Pastel 140
Adult Male Banana 200
1.0 Pastel Clown Adult 175.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Leopard Firefly 100.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon Pinstripe 150.
0.1 Pastel Pinstripe 125.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon 150
0.1 Lesser Pastel 100.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Yellowbelly Pinstripe 150
0.1 Pastel 75.
1.0 Pastel Sub Adult 100
0.1 Yellowbelly Het Clown 75
1.0 Super Pastel 125
0.1 Enchi 75.
1.0 100% Het Pied 40. Or 》》》Free to teachers
0.1 100% Het Pied 40
Adult het pied male 50. Or 》》》FREE to Teachers
Teachers Contact Us for your classroom 《《《《
..............Corn & King Snakes ...........
Albino Milk Snake 45
Milk Snake Pueblan 45
Milk Snake Nelson 45
Albino Corn Snake 35.
Motley Corn Snake 65
Hypomelanistic Striped California King 60
Aztec/Zig Zag Corn 75.
Tessera Kasatine 65
Classic Corn Snake 35


No Frozen Rats this week, they didn't ship, weather related, No New Reptiles this week, again they didn't ship weather related. Both will ship next week.


New plants are available today. No new fish this week. Both lists will be available this afternoon


Pea Puffers in stock $5
Amano Shrimp Restocked $5
Panda Garra is $6 ready to go
New Angels $5
Syrian Hamsters are super cute for that empty aquarium sitting around $15. Perfect small fuzzy pet

Prices hobbyist can afford .... Starting Dec. 31st... Live Stock List, Fish & Reptiles ....local in-store pick-up. Price is the number next to the item listed. Plants Restocked Wednesday. A-Z Aquatic. Run by hobbyist for hobbyist

Amano Shrimp 5
Panda Garra Small 6
SAE 2.25
Harlequin Rasbora Sm. 2.25
Gold Barbs 2.25
Neon Tetras 2.25
Pygmy Corydoras 2.25
Kuhili Loach 2.25
Ghost Shrimp .50
Adult Black skirts 2.25
Red eye Tetra 2.25
Black Neon Tetras 2.25
Pearl Danio 1.50
Bristlenose 10
Super Red and Lemon Blue Eye Sm. 8
Ember Tetras 2.25
Male Bettas 5
Female Bettas 5
Banjo Cats 6
Platys 1.50
XLG Fahaka 100.
Columbian Snails 3

Large Hermit Crabs $6

●Reptiles this week......
Adult bearded Dragons 75
Juvinile Flame Dalmatian Crested Gecko 35
Juvinile Harlequin Crested Gecko 35
Juvinile Leopard Gecko 12
Pixie Frog 32
Albino PacMan 18
Pikachu PacMan 25
Albino Iguana 350
Green Iguana 35
Red Iguana 35
Ornate Nile Monitor 50 ( 1 left)
Oustatlets Giant Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon Green 125
Chubby Frog 15
Gold Tegu small 75
Crested Gecko Pairs 100 must have proper enclosure
Thai Scorpion-Giant 25 Large
Dune small Scorpion 16
Cobalt Blue Tarantula 50
Red Leg Tarantula with enclosure 45

●Ball Pythons: this is a small list of what is instock, we have a large variety to choose from instock
Mojave 75
Yellowbelly 65
Pastel 75
Banana Pied sub adult 250
Banana Pastel sub adult 175
Pastel Leopard 100
Super Pastel 140
Adult Male Banana 200
1.0 Pastel Clown Adult 175.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Leopard Firefly 100.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon Pinstripe 150.
0.1 Pastel Pinstripe 125.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon 150
0.1 Lesser Pastel 100.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Yellowbelly Pinstripe 150
0.1 Pastel 75.
1.0 Pastel Sub Adult 100
0.1 Yellowbelly Het Clown 75
1.0 Super Pastel 75
0.1 Enchi 75.
1.0 100% Het Pied 40. Or 》》》Free to teachers
0.1 100% Het Pied 40
Adult het pied male 50. Or 》》》FREE to Teachers
Teachers Contact Us for your classroom 《《《《
..............Corn & King Snakes ...........
Albino Milk Snake 45
Milk Snake Pueblan 45
Milk Snake Nelson 45
Albino Corn Snake 35.
Motley Corn Snake 65
Hypomelanistic Striped California King 60
Aztec/Zig Zag Corn 75.
Tessera Kasatine 65
Classic Corn Snake 35

Coralife Protien Skimmer for 125g..... Make Offer...will consider trades as well. Let's move this skimmer out. A-Z Aquat...

Coralife Protien Skimmer for 125g..... Make Offer...will consider trades as well. Let's move this skimmer out. A-Z Aquatic Royse City

Jan 1st Plants!! ......Best prices in DFW, run by hobbyist for hobbyist. New Aquatic & Terrestrial Plants 🌿 Available. N...

Jan 1st Plants!! ......Best prices in DFW, run by hobbyist for hobbyist. New Aquatic & Terrestrial Plants 🌿 Available. New Reptiles 🦎... Check out our complete Livestock 🐟 list here https://www.facebook.com/100064062789234/posts/1015176527294431/

Med. Madagascar Lace $7
Purple Cabomba Bunch $5
Varigated Temple Bunch $5
Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch $5
Java Fern $3
Dwarf Sag Potted $6
Monte Carlo Potted $6
Super Red Ludwigia Stem Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan Bunch $5
Pogostemon Dassen Bunch $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga Bunch $5
Dwarf Subulata Bunch $3
Rotala Indica Bunch $5
Lg Barteri 10-12
Large Frazeri Anubias $12
Large Nana Anubias $10
Pontederiifoli Crypt Med. $3
Jungle Val $1.50
CorkScrew Val $1.50
Amazon Sword Med. $3

Bronze Wendtii
Red Wendtii
Green Wendtii
Red Flame Sword
Red Rubin Sword
Monte Carlo
Narrow-Leaf Micro Sword
Giant Hairgrass
Dwarf Sag Potted

Ludwigia Atlantis Bunch
Varigated Temple Bunch $$5
Ludwigia Super Red Bunch $5
Rotala H'ra Bunch $5
Rotala Nanjenshan $5
Pogostemon Dassen $5
Rotala Indica $5
Broadleaf Ludwiga $5

Small Potted Variety $4
Xanthosoma Sm. $7
Xanthosoma Lg, $25
Diffenbachia Cougar Med. $8
White Princess $20
Curly Spider $7
Pothos $7
Alocasia varigated Mickey Mouse $20
Staghorn Ferns $8
Alocasia Polly Lg. $22
Alocasia Dragon Scale $7


New plants, including medium Madagascar Lace .... open New Years day 10-7


Prices hobbyist can afford .... Starting Dec. 31st... Live Stock List, Fish & Reptiles ....local in-store pick-up. Price is the number next to the item listed. Plants Restocked Wednesday. A-Z Aquatic. Run by hobbyist for hobbyist

Amano Shrimp 5
Panda Garra Small 6
SAE 2.25
Harlequin Rasbora Sm. 2.25
Gold Barbs 2.25
Neon Tetras 2.25
Pygmy Corydoras 2.25
Kuhili Loach 2.25
Ghost Shrimp .50
Adult Black skirts 2.25
Red eye Tetra 2.25
Black Neon Tetras 2.25
Pearl Danio 1.50
Bristlenose 10
Super Red and Lemon Blue Eye Sm. 8
Ember Tetras 2.25
Male Bettas 5
Female Bettas 5
Banjo Cats 6
Platys 1.50
XLG Fahaka 100.
Columbian Snails 3

Large Hermit Crabs $6

●Reptiles this week......
Adult bearded Dragons 75
Juvinile Flame Dalmatian Crested Gecko 35
Juvinile Harlequin Crested Gecko 35
Juvinile Leopard Gecko 12
Pixie Frog 32
Albino PacMan 18
Pikachu PacMan 25
Albino Iguana 350
Green Iguana 35
Red Iguana 35
Ornate Nile Monitor 50 ( 1 left)
Oustatlets Giant Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon 65
Giant Spiny Chameleon Green 125
Chubby Frog 15
Gold Tegu small 75
Crested Gecko Pairs 100 must have proper enclosure
Thai Scorpion-Giant 25 Large
Dune small Scorpion 16
Cobalt Blue Tarantula 50
Red Leg Tarantula with enclosure 45

●Ball Pythons: this is a small list of what is instock, we have a large variety to choose from instock
Mojave 75
Yellowbelly 65
Pastel 75
Banana Pied sub adult 250
Banana Pastel sub adult 175
Pastel Leopard 100
Super Pastel 140
Adult Male Banana 200
1.0 Pastel Clown Adult 175.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Leopard Firefly 100.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon Pinstripe 150.
0.1 Pastel Pinstripe 125.
0.1 Fire Cinnamon 150
0.1 Lesser Pastel 100.
0.1 Cinnamon 75
0.1 Yellowbelly Pinstripe 150
0.1 Pastel 75.
1.0 Pastel Sub Adult 100
0.1 Yellowbelly Het Clown 75
1.0 Super Pastel 75
0.1 Enchi 75.
1.0 100% Het Pied 40. Or 》》》Free to teachers
0.1 100% Het Pied 40
Adult het pied male 50. Or 》》》FREE to Teachers
Teachers Contact Us for your classroom 《《《《
..............Corn & King Snakes ...........
Albino Milk Snake 45
Milk Snake Pueblan 45
Milk Snake Nelson 45
Albino Corn Snake 35.
Motley Corn Snake 65
Hypomelanistic Striped California King 60
Aztec/Zig Zag Corn 75.
Tessera Kasatine 65
Classic Corn Snake 35

Terrestrial  this week, new Aquatic plants available Wednesday

Terrestrial this week, new Aquatic plants available Wednesday


New Years Week hours 🎉🎇🎆 New Fish Tuesday, Plant we will update tomorrow
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10-5
Wednesday 10-7
Thursday 10-7
Friday 10-6
Saturday 10-7
Sunday 10-6


Thursday Open 10-7 .... Come in and stay dry
Friday 10-5
Saturday 10-7
Sunday 10-6


754 Santa Fe Lane
Royse City, TX

Opening Hours

Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm




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