New Hope Livestock Disaster Relief Division of United Animal Industries

New Hope Livestock Disaster Relief Division of United Animal Industries United Animal Industries is a volunteer based non profit that has multiple divisions each with various initiatives.

We Network, Evacuate Livestock and other Animals, K-9 & Equine Search & Rescue, Network Disaster Relief, Dispatch, Fundraiser w/ Donations Distribution, Fund Raising, Rebuild, Watch, Serve, Protect, Educate, Inform, & Consult Animal Related Industries. Listed here are just a few.....
• New Hope Livestock Disaster Relief Division-Livestock Evacuation, (SAR) Search And Rescue, Relief & Recovery

K-9 & Equine SAR
• Veterans’ Working Ranch & Farm to Fork “The New Hope Project” Helping Fight the War on Hunger with Mission Minded Learning curriculums’ growing and raising food to help the community.
• Veterans’ Boots to Business Integration to become Entrepreneurs’ & Small Business Ranchers & Farmers starting soon
• Equine Facilitated Mental Health for veterans, their families and the community
• “Hogs 4 Heroes” Local Grown Protein Source to help Veterans and others in need
• Posse of Angels- Networking about legislation, Fighting by Informing & Educating how to protect the rural and urban Americans’ constitutional rights to own animals and operate animal related enterprises
EIN: 844977891

NC In case you missed this-New Ag hub "3420 New Leicester Hwy Leicester ‘NC."

NC In case you missed this-New Ag hub "3420 New Leicester Hwy Leicester ‘NC."

It’s official!
After many delays, we are officially at our new location!
We appreciate the out pouring of love and support from so many people.
A huge thank you to the many volunteers who showed up to get us moved! It was a daunting task!
A very special shout out to Jim King and his coworker for moving all the feed! It was a beautiful site to see his trucks rolling in!
Darin and Mark with their Bobcat and special skills.
And to Amy Marie for being the amazing person that she is, who some how makes miracles happen and being my friend!
For JJ, Bridgett, Al, Robin and Pippen, who has helped juggle things, worked until they couldn’t work anymore and helped keep things running as smoothly as it possibly could.
We are not unpacked yet and legit have a bunny trail through the building. We hope to be fully opened by the weekend.
3420 New Leicester Hwy Leicester ‘NC.

Huge Shout Out to ALL the teams! There is not enough time  today to express how grateful we are for our amazing rancher ...

Huge Shout Out to ALL the teams! There is not enough time today to express how grateful we are for our amazing rancher farmer network of ag relief teams! We see you! Love you and continue to pray for everyone moving across the country in past months, this weekend and coming weeks. Keep Fighting the Good Fight! United We Stand! Saving Lives One Mission at a Time!

Good luck to everyone weaning babies out there!

Good luck to everyone weaning babies out there!

A horse's willpower is unmatched 🤠

New Hope’s Evac, MSAR & Relief Missions Update 12-13-2024 Happy Holidays Folks! Its been a whirl wind of activities. Hug...

New Hope’s Evac, MSAR & Relief Missions Update 12-13-2024

Happy Holidays Folks! Its been a whirl wind of activities. Huge Shout out to All of God’s Hands and Feet who answered our call outs and have been putting in 20 plus our days to help their neighbors for months making trip after trip and those holding down the fort in their absence, to affected areas to help their neighbors!!

Huge Shout Out to Every Team who answered our Call Out for “God’s Army” on Sept 26th as we started Across the country Evacuations and SAR from NC, Fl, to Wy for Fires, Hurricanes, Tornadoes & Floods. When we came in to cell, internet service range our Hearts were full to see so many of you spring into action once again and more teams working on longer term aid is amazing. We cant do it without All of you Uniting!. Thank you from the bottom of our Hearts!

We the People! Saving Lives One Mission at a Time!

Longer post, but saving lives takes more than a meme or 3 sentences or less to keep your attention. Sorry not Sorry to those who continue to censor, stalk or block us for our too long or posts that are educating the misconceived masses with TRUTHFUL posts exposing what’s really going on..

If you care you will read on, if you don’t, keep scrolling. AS always we have a lot going on and everything happens in Gods good time and his will. We declare prosper and ease for all whom are struggling. We know we –will have favor to help us complete these missions before Christmas.

We will try and break it down of the pieces we are missing , of the puzzle needed to complete various missions. Please reach out! Get Involved! Choose a Team! You become part of our team if you donate towards a mission you become a part of the solutions. If you volunteer boots on the ground or remotely you are part of the solution and part of the team.

We pray the Lord puts the right people and resources in our path to complete all ongoing missions successfully making someone's Christmas Bright in Jesus Name.

There are So many stories, so much to share, a lot of heart ache and suffering no one wants to hear about and all of those stories and testimonies are going to have to wait to be shared until after the holidays for operational security of our teams still actively in operations and to use every second trying to rally a Merry Christmas for the Survivors.

We have many scurrying about doing what they can, to bring what they can to the various missions to show some humanity to those still suffering and we continue to bring Hope with your help we have been able to bless many with some form of miracles of HOPE this giving season and are regrouping for the next round with your help We the People can do this again.

We continue to network and spend time in various affected areas boots on the ground with a plethora of teams. Ladies & Gentleman there are SO many needs and not enough funds or resources to go around to affected areas and victors who survived are struggling to stay warm and fed. You can look at our wish lists pinned at the top of the page in featured posts to get an idea of continued needs on the united supply drive flyer. Whats on that flyer never changes those are the needs of the ranchers and farmers no matter the disaster. The state may change but otherwise that’s a go to list. The pay pal Zelle and Cash AP have menus that drop down for you to choose a team or mission.

We are reaching out to you for your help. The convoy with hay made it safe and dropping supplies as we speak and others getting ready to convoy east another round and always looking for more teams willing to join a mission. We have missions in multiple states on going. We have some Semi Drivers willing to donate their time and semis with enclosed and flat bed trailers,

We have donations that need to be moved and allocated in various locations but we need to raise FUEL funds for them.

It is approximately $1000 round trip per rig for a NC or Wy missions. That’s a semi or truck and trailer so logistically more efficient to use the semis when possible to move more.

It is approximately $60.00 round trip for the Texas turn and burn missions round trip but it will take 5 to 8 trips pending how many bales you can move to our semi accessible location.

We have some large round bales of hay donations, donors have allocated for Texas, Tennessee &/or North Carolina that need turn and burn drivers to get it from Crocket Tx to Rusk Tx with trucks and trailers, it is not a semi accessible location. Once it is delivered to Rusk Tx preferably when semi is here so it can be put directly on semi to save time man hours and fuel, it can then be transported on north to pan handle or east to TN /WNC to rally with the teams getting it over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house sorry fell off in song lol up the mountain and through the skys and through the rivers to those in need.

We Desperately need a generous rich oil man lmao FUEL or we poor people can keep uniting to get it done with our true grass roots orgs, whatever works lol to rally fuel funds for those turn and burn and semi transporters willing to donate their time and rigs. We are always accepting more volunteer transporters who understand the need for operational security, privacy until all missions are complete and full chain of custody or what’s known as bill of laden in trucking world as our donors depend on us to ensure their donations end where they intend. This has cost us some teams cooperation and collaboration this year.

A lot unfolded we will address in the coming days. One can only wonder why transport teams would not want to be accountable for thousands of dollars of donations they promise to deliver but have nothing to prove they did. (Rule 39, if ya, know ya know lol) We, our teams, will continue to follow proper protocol and hold the line until others catch up and recognize these are signs of an agenda and those supporting those teams are supporting said agenda knowingly or unknowingly.

Moving on I digress-We have pallets of donations that need moved to those in need and it would be huge blessing if we can pull it off in the next week end before Christmas.

We have pallets of donations that got stormed on when our fearless leader cracked her head, all operations had to come to a stop on east tx site since the volunteers were far and few between there was no one to have her 6 on getting the donations in. These are pallets of new clothes and shoes as well as a few household items that got stormed on so we have a need for teams willing to wash and dry those NEW donated clothes. We need teams willing to donate laundry soap and softener or the funds to purchase for those doing the washing.

They are NEW in packages but moisture did get to some of them and we cant send them that way, we need volunteers willing to wash and dry and repack a few pallets.

We have a couple pallets of power ranger and spider man toys we would like to see get allocated for Christmas if you have thumb on pulse of who is doing that please let us know we will try and work logistics to get these pallets to them.

If you are so lead to help in any of these areas on various missions we are missing pieces of the puzzle to complete as a volunteer please reach out, or with donations of hay, feed, fence propane or fuel please see drop down menu and choose which mission you want to join. You tax deductible contribution is used 100% (beside platform use fees) as you wish.

Items we have the Most requests for right now are

ALFALFA any form but the bags of pellets and cubes are easiest to transport to harder to reach areas, not to confuse, there are places logistically better to have the square bales or bundles as well. To be clear All forms shown in image are needed and on sale if you want to support by buying local, you can call and tell them its for United Animal Industries. the number for Hammon’s in comments and Alfalfa items shown in comments. $15.00 for bag of pellets is cheap and some places you cant get at all, so we would like to support our local family owned and encourage you to call them ASAP since we know we have transport already going east before Christmas.

Second most requested in all locations PROPANE a small white canister lasts 1 week if used sparingly. The green camp cooking ones will cook a meal or maybe 3 pending cook times boiling water takes forever and green bottle works for 1 night if left on all night and 3 or 4 nights if only used for a couple hours an evening. FUEL many are still on generators and 5 gallons will run a heater for about 12 hrs pending the size of heater if they have no other options.

Third most important need requested in all locations is FENCE to hold in their critters who are also their food sources- t posts, step in posts, solar hot boxes, hot wire, t post insulators and handles, barb wire, (fence challenge in comments) best purchased price we have seen is at Tractor Supply Company and the proper type can be seen in fence challenge images.

What would Jesus Do? Jesus is the Reason for the Season! Lets honor him and reach deep if you are so led. Think of the cold and the hungry struggling to survive and consider donating $5.00 that gets us 8 miles closer to saving a life.

Keep God First Place! Keep Fighting the Good Fight!
United We Stand Saving Lives One Mission at a Time.

Farmers & Ranchers who lost it all People Essential Needs Wish List

New Hope Livestock Disaster Relief Division Equine & K-9 Search And Rescue (SAR) & Other Volunteer First Responder Teams' Wish List

Animal Essential Needs for Livestock Families Affected By Disasters
[email protected]

Cash Ap $NewHopeLDRD

Deposit to any "Citizens First Bank" to United Animal Industries Account

You can scan qr code on flyer for paypal or and here is a link for

***Call to Action! ***Vague and Broad Sweeping Definitions          DO NOT LET THE NAME FOOL YOU! if we have learned any...

***Call to Action! ***Vague and Broad Sweeping Definitions DO NOT LET THE NAME FOOL YOU! if we have learned anything about these laws that they push through, we have learned their name, is not what they do.
Starting February 1, 2025, many detrimental rules will be introduced for ALL HORSE SHOWS. Will Implicate Every Horse Owner! This includes 4-H FFA and more!

Help us STOP government overreach of the revised Horse Protection Act (HPA).
Verbiage Applies to All Horse Breeds

Please Unite with our teams! We the People Can stop this if we take immediate action.

Loose Language opens the door for them to legally take your animals if you’re noncompliant. Please sign the Petition! Time is of the essence
Animal extremist groups infiltrated the USDA to push their anti-animal agenda, and the recent amendment to the Horse Protection Act (HPA) reflects this influence. Starting February 1, 2025, many detrimental rules will be introduced for ALL HORSE SHOWS.

The HPA document is 129 pages long, and we encourage horse owners to read it thoroughly. In reference to space, we will bullet point and summarize some of the egregious and overreaching regulations that all horse owners and organizers who participate in shows, exhibitions, and sales will be subject to:

• The prohibition of any equipment, practice, or method that could make a horse sore, lame, or irritated.
• The prohibition of any application of substance that could make a horse sore or have an inflammatory reaction.
• Prohibition of any use of substances on the limbs; this includes skin and hair conditioners, fly spray, or anything else that could diminish the signs of soring.
• Persons subject to liability are “participants,” which include the following activities: direct participant, agent, transporter, instructor, coach, trainer, vendors, supporters, and sponsors.
• Mandatory rest periods during shows, exhibitions, sales, and auctions.
• Providing any and all information requested on demand.
• Application of new language which essentially requires a horse’s legs to be free from any blemishes. “ The forelimbs and hindlimbs of the horse must be free of dermatologic conditions that are indicative of soring. Examples of such dermatologic conditions include, but are not limited to, irritation, moisture, edema, swelling, redness, epidermal thickening, loss of hair (patchy or diffuse) or other evidence of inflammation. Any horse found to have one or more of the dermatologic conditions set forth herein shall be presumed to be ‘sore’”.
• Inspection and detention of horses. Such inspection, “may include, but is not limited to, visual inspection of a horse and review of records, physical examination of a horse, including touching, rubbing, palpating, and observation of vital signs, and the use of any diagnostic device or instrument, and may require the removal of any shoe or any other equipment, substance, or paraphernalia from the horse when deemed necessary by the professional conducting such inspection.”
• Horses can be detained by “Horse Protection Inspectors” for 24 hours.
• Show and event management must provide ample space on grounds for inspections and detentions to take place.
• Testing and evaluating horses at horse exhibitions, horse shows, sales, or auctions by newly hired APHIS personnel given the title “Horse Protection Inspectors.”
• Allow free and uninhibited access of APHIS inspectors to records, barns, compounds, horse trailers and vans, stables, stalls, paddocks, and all other show or exhibition grounds.
• Warm-up areas must be policed.
• Identity of each horse entered at a show, exhibition, sale, or auction must be verified.
• All horse show and exhibition records must be maintained for 90 days. Data collected ranges from judges' score sheets to owner and sponsor information and more. Copies of all records must be made available to “Horse Protection Inspectors.”
• Records must be collected and maintained for horses receiving therapeutic care, i.e., pads, special shoes, or other medications. Complete veterinary medical information must be collected, including the entire diagnosis and treatment plan as well as the cessation of date of treatment, the state license number of the veterinarian, and much more.
• Notifying APHIS 30 business days in advance of events and 15 business days in advance of any changes to the event.
• If a “Horse Protection Inspector” is unavailable on the show dates, a variance must be requested within 15 days of the start of the horse show.
• Management of any horse show, exhibition, sale, or auction that does NOT include Tennessee Walking horses must report to the APHIS regional director of the state within five days of any horse that was disqualified from being exhibited or sold because it was found to be sore.
• Requiring a quarterly and yearly report to APHIS of all horses and owners within an organization who have been disqualified at any show, exhibition, sale, or auction.
• Requirements for shipping and transporting horses.
• Subject to lameness examinations before showing, exhibiting, or entering a sale, including evaluating the horse's movement, posture, and palpation of the limbs to detect local pain and inflammation.
• Any horse winning first place in a class is required to be re-inspected.
• Horses that receive a rub or blemish while in the ring competing are subject to HPA violations.
• Prohibitions regarding holding horses for inspection – horses' reins cannot be held any closer than 18” away from the bit, nor can the bit be pulled on during an inspection.
• Prohibition of any device, method, practice, or substance that hides or masks a sore horse.
• Prohibition of devices, pads, wedges, and substances on the limbs or feet. Any boot, collar, chain, roller beads, bangles, or other device that encircles or is placed upon the lower extremity of the leg of a horse in such a manner that it can either rotate around the leg or slide up and down the lag so as to cause frictions or which can strike the hoof, coronet band or fetlock joint.
• Inspectors must be veterinarians or veterinary technicians, and farriers must be on the grounds or on call at any event, depending on the number of horses. Inspectors will be APHIS employees, titled Horse Protection Inspectors.
• Therapeutic treatment or practices applied to any horse covered under HPA are administered or overseen by qualified veterinarians only (this would include saltwater baths, cryotherapy massage, PMF, and chiropractic).
Read more here
Sign the petition here

ps If you are having trouble and unable to see where to sign the petition try opening "incognito" right click on link and choose "open in incognito"

***Call to Action! ***Vague and Broad Sweeping Definitions Starting February 1, 2025, many detrimental rules will be int...

***Call to Action! ***Vague and Broad Sweeping Definitions
Starting February 1, 2025, many detrimental rules will be introduced for ALL HORSE SHOWS. Will Implicate Every Horse Owner! This includes 4-H FFa and more!
Help us STOP government overreach of the revised Horse Protection Act (HPA).
Verbiage Applies to All Horse Breeds
Please Unite with our teams! We the People Can stop this if we take immediate action.
Loose Language opens the door for them to legally take your animals if you’re noncompliant. Please sign the Petition! Time is of the essence
Animal extremist groups infiltrated the USDA to push their anti-animal agenda, and the recent amendment to the Horse Protection Act (HPA) reflects this influence. Starting February 1, 2025, many detrimental rules will be introduced for ALL HORSE SHOWS.
The HPA document is 129 pages long, and we encourage horse owners to read it thoroughly. In reference to space, we will bullet point and summarize some of the egregious and overreaching regulations that all horse owners and organizers who participate in shows, exhibitions, and sales will be subject to:

• The prohibition of any equipment, practice, or method that could make a horse sore, lame, or irritated.
• The prohibition of any application of substance that could make a horse sore or have an inflammatory reaction.
• Prohibition of any use of substances on the limbs; this includes skin and hair conditioners, fly spray, or anything else that could diminish the signs of soring.
• Persons subject to liability are “participants,” which include the following activities: direct participant, agent, transporter, instructor, coach, trainer, vendors, supporters, and sponsors.
• Mandatory rest periods during shows, exhibitions, sales, and auctions.
• Providing any and all information requested on demand.
• Application of new language which essentially requires a horse’s legs to be free from any blemishes. “ The forelimbs and hindlimbs of the horse must be free of dermatologic conditions that are indicative of soring. Examples of such dermatologic conditions include, but are not limited to, irritation, moisture, edema, swelling, redness, epidermal thickening, loss of hair (patchy or diffuse) or other evidence of inflammation. Any horse found to have one or more of the dermatologic conditions set forth herein shall be presumed to be ‘sore’”.
• Inspection and detention of horses. Such inspection, “may include, but is not limited to, visual inspection of a horse and review of records, physical examination of a horse, including touching, rubbing, palpating, and observation of vital signs, and the use of any diagnostic device or instrument, and may require the removal of any shoe or any other equipment, substance, or paraphernalia from the horse when deemed necessary by the professional conducting such inspection.”
• Horses can be detained by “Horse Protection Inspectors” for 24 hours.
• Show and event management must provide ample space on grounds for inspections and detentions to take place.
• Testing and evaluating horses at horse exhibitions, horse shows, sales, or auctions by newly hired APHIS personnel given the title “Horse Protection Inspectors.”
• Allow free and uninhibited access of APHIS inspectors to records, barns, compounds, horse trailers and vans, stables, stalls, paddocks, and all other show or exhibition grounds.
• Warm-up areas must be policed.
• Identity of each horse entered at a show, exhibition, sale, or auction must be verified.
• All horse show and exhibition records must be maintained for 90 days. Data collected ranges from judges' score sheets to owner and sponsor information and more. Copies of all records must be made available to “Horse Protection Inspectors.”
• Records must be collected and maintained for horses receiving therapeutic care, i.e., pads, special shoes, or other medications. Complete veterinary medical information must be collected, including the entire diagnosis and treatment plan as well as the cessation of date of treatment, the state license number of the veterinarian, and much more.
• Notifying APHIS 30 business days in advance of events and 15 business days in advance of any changes to the event.
• If a “Horse Protection Inspector” is unavailable on the show dates, a variance must be requested within 15 days of the start of the horse show.
• Management of any horse show, exhibition, sale, or auction that does NOT include Tennessee Walking horses must report to the APHIS regional director of the state within five days of any horse that was disqualified from being exhibited or sold because it was found to be sore.
• Requiring a quarterly and yearly report to APHIS of all horses and owners within an organization who have been disqualified at any show, exhibition, sale, or auction.
• Requirements for shipping and transporting horses.
• Subject to lameness examinations before showing, exhibiting, or entering a sale, including evaluating the horse's movement, posture, and palpation of the limbs to detect local pain and inflammation.
• Any horse winning first place in a class is required to be re-inspected.
• Horses that receive a rub or blemish while in the ring competing are subject to HPA violations.
• Prohibitions regarding holding horses for inspection – horses' reins cannot be held any closer than 18” away from the bit, nor can the bit be pulled on during an inspection.
• Prohibition of any device, method, practice, or substance that hides or masks a sore horse.
• Prohibition of devices, pads, wedges, and substances on the limbs or feet. Any boot, collar, chain, roller beads, bangles, or other device that encircles or is placed upon the lower extremity of the leg of a horse in such a manner that it can either rotate around the leg or slide up and down the lag so as to cause frictions or which can strike the hoof, coronet band or fetlock joint.
• Inspectors must be veterinarians or veterinary technicians, and farriers must be on the grounds or on call at any event, depending on the number of horses. Inspectors will be APHIS employees, titled Horse Protection Inspectors.
• Therapeutic treatment or practices applied to any horse covered under HPA are administered or overseen by qualified veterinarians only (this would include saltwater baths, cryotherapy massage, PMF, and chiropractic).
Learn more about this huge threat to our way of life here

Sign the petition here

Western Justice needs your help to stop the egregious government overreach of the revised Horse Protection Act (HPA).

𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐏𝐀 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞:

𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞:


The National Cattlemen's Beef Association has informed the Independent Cattlemen Association of Texas that they will not be allowed to have a booth at this years Trade Show due to, "Significant differences" in policy positions. This suppression is made worse by the fact that this Trade Sho

Hey East Texas BOLO Be On The Look Out for Warrior Sean Herren “America’s Amputee” who will be heading through Lindale o...

Hey East Texas BOLO Be On The Look Out for Warrior Sean Herren “America’s Amputee” who will be heading through Lindale on his Journey to the Gulf. On Walking Horses he raised and trained in an effort to bring Hope to others. Please show your support when you see him in your area. We are happy to give a tax write off for anyone who wants to help him with hay. alfalfa cubes or pellets, grain or place for lay over for his team along his journey. Reach out if you would like to join us supporting his mission.

Sean Herren, who calls himself “America’s Amputee” on TikTok, isn’t just another cowboy from Oklahoma. The Blackwell native began his horseback journey on October 14, heading for the Red River, hoping to inspire others along the way.

Did you or your neighbor use sludge to fertilize your fields? This is still happening in 48 states.Have you been buying ...

Did you or your neighbor use sludge to fertilize your fields? This is still happening in 48 states.
Have you been buying hay and grain for your livestock or pets or food for your family raised or grown on ranches and farms who fertilized with this? Is your water safe? They knew for decades!

Activist Erin Brockovich is raising alarms on NewsNation about the dangers of forever chemicals. Farmers are speaking out, claiming their land is being poiso...

Here are some facts about the  about the unconstitutional Corporate Transparency Act Huge Thank You to the team spearhea...

Here are some facts about the about the unconstitutional Corporate Transparency Act Huge Thank You to the team spearheading this & The judge for the constitutional ruling!

On December 3, 2024, Judge Amos L. Mazzant III of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas issued a nationwide preliminary injunction in the case of Texas Top Cop Shop, Inc. et al. v. Garland, halting the enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (the "CTA") and its reporting obligations. This ruling could significantly affect millions of businesses across the United States.

the court granted the requested preliminary injunction, enjoining enforcement of the CTA (and its reporting obligations) and staying the January 1, 2025 CTA reporting deadline.

This CTA is unconstitutional it
intrude upon states’ rights under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments;
compel speech and violates First Amendment rights of association; and
violate the Fourth Amendment by requiring disclosure of private information without individualized suspicion or judicial process.

We must keep an eye on this folks!

"Forever chemicals" are causing concern from coast to coast, and one Texas rancher is calling the problem his "Chernobyl" after his livestock started getting...

**Call for Action** Please contact your representative call or write and ask them to vote no on HR 2606 . Please do not ...

**Call for Action** Please contact your representative call or write and ask them to vote no on HR 2606 . Please do not forget this critical step to "ask for a response" so your voice/vote goes "on the record"

This Act allows these groups “pay-to-play” to influence federal regulatory programs, potentially sidelining the needs and rights of rural communities and private landowners.

The SUSTAINS Act (H.R. 2606), quietly passed in 2022, as an amendment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act for 2023, is a law that presents serious concerns for rural America, private property owners, and the broader principles of individual liberty. At its core, the SUSTAINS Act allows the USDA.....


Rusk, TX

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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