FAQ about the 5K!!!!
Get all your questions answered!
Help STOP SB 122!
Please call or email Senator Mike Wilson’s office TODAY to let him know you are OPPOSED to SB 122 that would void local ordinances and create a safe haven for puppy mills in Kentucky!
This bill is scheduled for a vote TOMORROW in the Agriculture Committee, on which our Senator is a member.
Let him know that pet stores are the most important partner shelters have for adoptions.
Remember, when it comes to pet stores, Every breeder animal sold is a shelter animal killed.
Oppose SB122
Legislative Research Commission:
1-800-372-7181 (open until 6pm tonight, re-opens at 7am tomorrow— ask for your “no” to be sent to Senate Wilson AND to the Agriculture Committee!)
Senator Wilson’s email:
[email protected]
Snow Day!
Our Ms Roxie has been out enjoying the snow! How about YOUR pets? Share your pics of your pets out playing in the snow ❄️☃️❄️☃️
(Or hiding inside away from it!! 😂😂)
Watch the Raffle Drawing Live!
30 Minutes Until the Drawing! Still time to get your ticket!!!
Sorry for the double-post, but we'd like to issue a thorough "Thank You" to a few folks for this week. Thanks to Mike Baugh whose donation enabled us to outfit our kennels with new feeders/water bowls, blankets. Etc and is a continued supporter of our mission. Thanks to Trynity Dukes
for her volunteer work which is thoroughly helpful to the degree that is difficult to articulate. Thanks to Ms Rita Rowland who has sponsored multiple adoptions and donations and this week, while I was with adopters, dropped off donations where all I was able to do was say 'thanks Ms Rowland' from 2 rooms away, but brought in a second armful while I was otherwise engaged without expectation or acknowledgement. To Mr Underwood, who brought a truck bed full of random, but wholly useful items. To the gentleman (I feel bad I never caught your name) who dropped off a bin of dog food after his beloved pup passed, but this makes sure Ms Roxie has good food for the near future. We only have 2 employees and don't always get the time in to express our love and appreciation fully in the moment, but please know you're all in our minds, thoughts, hearts and we're immensely grateful for you every moment of every day.
Meet OLLIE!!
Ollie is a sweet, cuddly, playful kitty who has all his shots, is already fixed and is looking for his Fur-ever home!