Hi Everyone!
Mama Fern🌿 was recently diagnosed with mammary carcinoma. She had surgery to remove some masses in August and is doing great!
When she was spayed in March 2023, the vet checked her for masses since Mom could sometimes feel a pea sized lump when checking Fern while she was nursing her puppies. The vet found nothing and we chalked it off to being milk duct related.
She was checked again in September 2023 by the vet and nothing was found.
Fast forward to the end of July 2024, mom felt another lump. Upon examination from a different vet, it was discovered Fern had 3 mammary masses and needed surgery to remove them as soon as possible. She was scheduled for surgery within 2 weeks.
All masses were successfully removed. Her lungs were thoroughly checked because histopathology results indicated lymphatic invasion, but they look great! For now she will be closely monitored by her doctor for any developing lesions and appropriate medical action will be taken.
We love our girl and are so grateful she recovered well from surgery and has never stopped acting like herself!