
Mags.Loves.Dogs Trying to get dogs out of shelters and into forever homes.


Update again 7/19: Babs is safe! Her finder from when she escaped her adoptive home came back and got her, and so both she and Zeus are safe. 

Update: Babs was returned after a few days for escaping. On list for euthanasia. Zeus was adopted.

Babs A692327 and Zeus A690884 at Front Street Animal Shelter in Sacramento CA had a Poofy Tail Contest today and competition got fierce. Watch to see who won but also Zeus needs a little extra help getting out. If you can pull as a rescue or adopt, please reach out to the shelter by 7/15/24.

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is located at 2127 Front Street Sacramento CA and is open 12-5pm, 7 days a week, except federal holidays.

Update: transport found!Do I know anyone— or do y'all know anyone— who lives in/around Paso Robles and could drive a 91-...

Update: transport found!

Do I know anyone— or do y'all know anyone— who lives in/around Paso Robles and could drive a 91-lb dog to Bakersfield this Sun 7/14? Lex and I are headed that way already and can get her from Sac to Paso, but the adopter needs her to get just a leeeeetle bit farther down the road and we really can't do it. She's a sweetheart and you won't even know she's in your backseat. 😉


7/7 ADOPTED!!! 😅😍😅😍😅😍

Hershey A691351 needs a foster or adopter! If you can help, reach out to the shelter by 7/7/24.

The sweet old girl is still full of so much life at age 15 but she’s also mellow and quiet and only 38 pounds. She came in with a small dog and so she will likely do well with other animals in the house, provided they’re not too rambunctious. She did not react to the cats that we passed onsite.

Very easy on leash, she loves nothing more than an easy amble to savor the smells of the world. She moves quite easily, though, without any obvious signs of limping or struggling.

She basically just needs a quiet home that will love her and keep her safe and comfortable, and spoil her as she deserves. She’s affectionate and loves to be pet. Can you be her sanctuary?

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is located at 2127 Front Street, Sacramento, CA, and is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


Tito A689282 needs a foster or a rescue to pull him. He has been too shut down to get him on leash, and so he has not been dog tested, but he has been friendly or at least tolerant with all of his human handlers. About a year old, 68 pounds and not yet neutered, he’ll need a patient person to help him feel safe and loved.

🎆With 4th of July fireworks coming, the shelter expects to fill up very quickly with spooked dogs, and so space will soon be at an extreme premium. 🚨🚨

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is located at 2127 Front Street, Sacramento, CA, and is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


7/2 Update: Bullinda is safe! Bowling Ball is not 😔

UPDATE: still needs out but is listed as unavailable at the shelter, so you won’t see her on the website. Please reach out to them ASAP if you can help.

Bullinda A687283 is back because she absolutely cannot live with cats. She is good with dogs, though! The family reported that otherwise she’s a great dog—sweet, goofy, potty-trained. Now she’s shutting down again and she’s paired with Bowling Ball A689830 the other saddest dog in the shelter.

Can you foster or adopt before July 4th, when the shelter expects to get inundated with spooked dogs?

Bullinda bio:

Bowling Ball bio:

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is located at 2127 Front Street, Sacramento, CA, and is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


There is no I in team, especially when it comes to getting dogs out of shelters. I am so grateful for reliable transfer partners like Snake River Animal Shelter, and transport volunteers who drive and fly their way across the country to get these dogs into safe hands.


Tobyn A666824 at Front Street in Sacramento needs a foster or foster 2 adopter. Nine years-young, this life of the party needs somewhere soft to land. His last owner fell into hard times and cannot take care of him anymore.

Easy on the leash, he does still enjoy getting out and exploring. He is in the back out of public view, so you cannot see him, unless you request to meet this handsome fella. When do you see a shelter dog that has St. Bernard in them? Plus, his one eye adds cuteness to his already irresistible face.

Not yet neutered, you’ll need to be within about 60-75 miles of the shelter to bring him back for his alteration surgery, once it’s scheduled. If you’re outside that geographical range, let me know. We might be able to figure something out, including but not limited to a rescue pull!

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is located at 2127 Front Street, Sacramento, CA, and is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


Do yourself a favor. Spend some time with the dogs at your local shelter or rescue organization. Volunteer, foster, adopt. It will change your life in the best possible way.

Send a message to learn more



Marie A684683 at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento is the absolute perfect dog that you’ve been looking for. She’s a pocket pittie mix, already spayed, probably around 2 years-old (though her listing says she’s 3) and a friend to most animals, it seems. She also needs a new home now!!!

Her foster mom has brought her to a new level of training. At the shelter, she was a bit of a wild one, but these last few months in a home have been instrumental and she knows so many commands. Watch the video to see!

Her foster parents have a long trip booked, however, and they thought she would be adopted by now! She absolutely cannot go back to the shelter. She will backslide tremendously and she was already at risk when she was there the first time. Can you take over the fostering or adopt her?

The only unknown with her is human children. She recently had a successful meet and greet with one, but because she gets excited during introductions with anybody, there is a risk of some mouthiness (grabbing with her mouth). Her foster parents have taken care of this by putting a toy in her mouth and it’s usually just the first meeting where she’s that excited. After that, she settles down and can easily go from play mode into relaxed house mode. Full bio here:

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.



Tiny Gladiator A688339 at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento weighs in at a miniature 92 pounds. 🤪🤪

He’s about a year old and already neutered, which means you can take him home today! You can also foster him but you need to be within about an hour of the shelter to do that. He could really use a soft place to land, in any case. He just has a little too much energy for that tight space! That said, he’s pretty mellow and gentle once you get him out. He does have some energy, because of his age, and so he’ll need some exercise and playtime. But his leash manners are impeccable and he is reported to listen well, in general.

He’s listed as a pitbull mix but clearly he’s got something else to bring in that size. He’s been in a few homes, once with his finder and another time with a foster who had a male pitbull and that did not work out. Reports are that he does well with kids as young as 3 years-old and that he does do well with most dogs. The male pitbull thing might’ve been the other dog, who had been accustomed to living alone, or it might’ve just been a male versus male thing. He’s done well with puppies even and smaller dogs.

He’s apparently still learning to sleep in his crate at night and so he will whine at first, but then he gets the hang of it. He might need a little time to adjust to being alone, in general, but with slow introductions, he will likely feel more confident with a doggy friend in the house.

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


Update: transport filled! 😅Does anyone I know live in Boise or have trusted contacts there? Trying to get a dog from there to Idaho Falls on Sunday night or Monday.


Update: in foster through NorCal Bully Breed Rescue.

Sacramento, this literal angel named Angel needs a miracle. She’s never known the good life. Still a puppy, she was seized in a cruelty case when her owner was caught swinging her by a back leg. That leg now probably needs to be amputated… but she might lose her life first, if she can’t get out of the overcrowded shelter where she is (not Front Street). NorCal Bully Breed Rescue wants to help but they can’t without a foster. You MUST be in the Sacramento area for them to do a home check. Can you help before she runs out of time? She’s dog friendly and so sweet with humans, despite everything that’s been done to her.

Visit the NorCal Bully Breed FB page to see the original post about Angel. Fill out a foster form on their website if you can help, and email them or message them via FB.


This past weekend was LGBTQ Pride in Sacramento and I got to walk in the parade for the second year now. 🌈🏳️‍🌈🥳🥰 It is the coolest thing to be able to take two things that mean so much to me—queer identity and rescue dog work— and do them at the 👏🏾 same 👏🏼 time! Because when you think about it, there’s not a lot of difference in the meaning behind them: finding love & safety, no matter how you were born or what your background is.

The dog I walked yesterday is named Cholo A688912 and he is the sweetest, snuggliest, goodest gentleman.

Only a year-old, already neutered, a petite 58 pounds (seriously he seems smaller), and good with all dogs of all sizes, as well as human children…he’s a total catch! See more about him in the video, as well as all of his friends also looking for foster or adoptive homes.

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

If you are outside the area and want to adopt, I can put you in touch with a rescue who can help and transport may be arranged but adoption fees and possibly also transport fees will be incurred.

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.



Mountain Dew A686581 is a 2 year-old, 63-pound, not-yet-neutered Akita mix with a purple Chow Chow tongue. 😜 He’s at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento.

We were super sad to see him back in a kennel yesterday after being returned for some anxiety issues— hesitation to walk on leash and to get in the car is what was reported. He came to the shelter very shut down in mid-April and volunteers worked hard with him, until he could demonstrate how great he was on leash and how smart he was with his basic commands. It’s possible that he shut down all over again when he got to a new environment and just needed some more time to re-blossom.

He’s extremely affectionate and smart and mild-mannered, and would be such a good addition to a household looking for a loyal companion. He has not been paired with another dog to my knowledge but I was part of some leash testing with him a few weeks ago, and he was avoidant for the most part. He would likely need slow introductions to have another dog in the house. Unknown with cats and children.

Given his reserved nature, and the fact that he’s now been returned, we fear that he’s at very high risk right now.

Check out his full bio here, including another video that my volunteer friend made:

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


Update: in foster 2 adopt!

Take home Potatoes (A689669) today!! She’s at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento just waiting for her forever person so she can shower them with kisses and make them feel like the center of her world. Not yet spayed, which means you can foster or foster to adopt her, but you need to be within range of the shelter to bring her back for her surgery.

At about 35 pounds, she’s a tiny little thing. She does need to gain a few but she will remain petite.

Only three years-old, but a total old soul. She’s extremely mellow, probably partly because she has an upper respiratory infection right now, but that will go away. Not yet paired with another dog, she at least shows no signs of leash reactivity and will possibly do well with slow introductions. She was also not very responsive to seeing cats on site but again, she would need slow intros and nothing is 100% certain on how she would do with them in the house.

Come meet her today and find the love of your life!

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


Update: adopted!

Krissy A686698 at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento needs a foster or adopter! This petite (under 40 pounds), one year-old little potato is quite the hugger. She is also potty- and crate-trained and did well at a recent foster overnight with the resident cat. Slow intros would still need to be used but she showed a lot of promise to live with them peacefully.

She does show signs of being dog selective and did not do well with the resident dog. Previously, she was paired at the shelter but the other dog started a fight with her, and she might have some residual effects from that. Ideally, there would be no other dogs in the house— at least for now. Or she would be able to be kept separate for a while until she can decompress and be *very* slowly introduced.

She has a spay and eye surgery scheduled for June 11 and after that her adoption can be finalized. Until then it would be a foster to adopt, which means you would have to be close enough to the shelter to bring her back for that surgery.

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


Everyone loves a good and I was delighted to witness this one in person


Update: in foster through shelter!

If I could take home Guy A659032 myself, I would. Currently at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento, he is just under 50 pounds, just under two years-old and already neutered, which means his adoption can be finalized immediately (and you do not have to live in the surrounding Sacramento region).

Listed as a pitbull, I think he’s a fairly good mix, with some Shepherd and Rottweiler thrown in. He has the sweetest temperament and is a lot of fun. Inside the kennel, he presents as extra shy and lacking in confidence, but he is a gem once you get him out. He was in a foster home for a bit and it sounds like it went really well except they think he needed a little more space than their small apartment and that he would do best with the yard. It sounds like he’s working through a little bit of anxiety as well, but I think once he gets into a regular routine and regular exercise, he will do well. He also gets along with other dogs when intros are used.

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

If you are outside the area and want to adopt, I can put you in touch with a rescue who can help and transport may be arranged but adoption fees and possibly also transport fees will be incurred.

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


UPDATE: adopted!! 🥰🥰🥰

Burger A687045 has been at the shelter a month and needs an adopter or foster! He’s so friendly and happy; is reported to do well with other dogs (still please always use SLOW intros) and walks very well on leash. He also had some small skin growths sent to the lab and they came back negative for cancer, ruled to be benign 😅😅😅

At 7 years-old, he’s a harder placement. Even though his weight is listed at 80 pounds, I’d swear he’s smaller! But I guess the scale don’t lie. You don’t feel like you’re dealing with a large dog, though, maybe because he’s easy on the energy—just enough to be fun, not too much to be overwhelming.

Come meet him today and fall in love!

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

If you are outside the area and want to adopt, I can put you in touch with a rescue who can help and transport may be arranged but adoption fees and possibly also transport fees will be incurred.

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


UPDATE: adopted and I was lucky enough to be there. Will post about it soon soon.

Hanna Banana A687870 at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento needs out. She’s considered at higher risk, due to her shyness to leave kennel. Inside the kennel, though, she’s affectionate, willing to work for treats and yearning for human touch and bonding.

About two years old, 55 pounds and already spayed, you can finalize this girl’s adoption today! That means you could drive down from, oh, let’s say Oregon or Washington State, and take this girl home 😉😘😉😘

Staff hasn’t been able to pair her with another dog, because when they carried her to the play yard, she just hid under a bench. She didn’t exhibit any defensive behaviors though and shows promise to have a dog friend. She’ll just need some decompression time at home in a quiet space first. Please practice slow intros for her and other shelter dogs. They’ve been through so much and just need a minute to collect themselves, before having more asked of them.

We also don’t know how she is with cats and children, but bring all the humans to meet her today!

If you are in the area and can foster, the shelter has a wonderful program where they pay for everything. Just make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]

If you are outside the area and want to adopt, I can put you in touch with a rescue who can help and transport may be arranged but adoption fees and possibly also transport fees will be incurred.

The shelter is open 7 days a week 12-5pm, except on federal holidays, when it’s closed.


SAFE! Went to foster through NorCal Bully Breed Rescue today! Watch their page for when he becomes available, after his medical needs are taken care of. 

Bilby A687330 at Front Street Animal Shelter - City of Sacramento needs a foster! A rescue could also pull him but his best bet right now seems to be finding a Sacramento-area foster home to take him in. He was hit by a car and has upcoming surgery to continue to repair some of his wounds. The foster will need to bring him in the morning of his surgery and pick him up again afterwards. 

He’s been in a kennel by himself and nobody knows how he is with dogs, cats or kids. He’s neutered, about two years old and 30 pounds. Very affectionate!

If you can help, make sure you’ve signed up and done the quick online orientation at

Then email [email protected]


Sacramento, CA



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