Sniffing to promote calm
You might be looking at this video and think...."what exactly is going on?" Well, I will tell you.... Practicing Calm through Sniffing.
A little bit of your dogs daily kibble scattered in the lawn is a simple enrichment idea that will go a long way.
#Sniffing is a #calming activity for your dog. It promotes slower #breathing, reduced heart rate and can help your dog #relax.
Morning Reiki
Morning #Calm and #Reiki session with Stella.
Reiki goes where it's needed and this morning, to Stella's heart and brachial chakra. The heart chakra is related to good and confident feelings. The brachial chakra allows dogs to bond with their humans and also connects all the other chakra points.
Notice how she keeps me in the area when I try to move down. Reiki has it's own intelligence, but so do our dogs...they know what they need.
#animalreiki #calmdog #calmdogsarehappydogs
Stop and sniff
Let your dog stop to sniff... there is no need to pull against him. Take the few seconds for them to smell what's going on in the neighborhood and then resume your walk! Makes it a happier experience for you both!
Look at that good boy checking in when we start again!
#getoutside #dogwalking #canineenrichment
Re-learn Leash
If your dog is walking you down the street, consider a reset and start over by actually giving them more room to wander. Teach them not to pull by giving them a chance to experience leash without it.
#dogwalking #rescuedogs #looseleashwalking #dogtraining #dogtrainingtips
Reliable Recall: Repetition is what makes it reliable. Practice in the house, out back, while walking the dog on leash. Don't forget to have fun! The dogs and their humans love it!
#dogtraining #dogtricks #dogtrainer #dogtrainingadvice
Long leash walk is so much fun for Stout and me! A way for him to run a round a bit and for us to practice a little come when called! We had such a good time. Training should be fun for you and your dog!
Merry Christmas!
#dogwalk #Christmasfun #getoutside #leashwalking #recall
Stella goes for a Ride in the car
Stella has had severe car anxiety since she was a little pup. Every car ride she had to be drugged just to get through it. We have finally been able to adjust our lives so that she's had about a two month break from any car riding.
This video is me giving her a test ride to see how she'd handle it. I am giving her treats to gauge her anxiety level (most dogs reject food when too anxious) and to associate yummy chicken with riding in a car. She rocked it! We kept our speed low, but what a great start to helping reintroduce car rides!
Re-learning how to walk on leash
If your dog pulls on leash, it's time to re-define what leash means to your pup! Teach your dog that leash does NOT equal pull owner down the street. Here you see Malibu learning to walk with her owner on a loose leash.