One of my favorite peeps.
At last, our new 'Turkey Dinner' dog treats are ready. At just $5.99 a bag, your dog can join the celebration with these delicious, all natural treats.
We also have new 'Mixed' bags of dog treats; containing all 6 varieties of our tasty treats.
A quick look at a normal day here on the run-up to Halloween. Remember, we're only taking baths & mini grooms until this Fri 26th. From Sat 27th we're back to normal.... but filling up fast, so please give us a call, for grooms this Sat or next week.
No Pull Head Collar
Hi folks, here's a quick video I made to show you the 'no-pull' head collars we make. This is a genuine before and after with Ren (a friend's young border collie). He's never had the head collar on before.
New Christmas stock and cookies are now available. Remember... we are very busy from now until Christmas, so please book for baths and grooms as early as possible, thanks.
Matted Dog
Thought we'd show you a video of a sweet dog that we got in today. He was found starving and matted. The family that found him has been unable to find his owners, so they've adopted him themselves.
Despite being in obvious pain from his matting, he never once tried to bite or harm anyone. This is his before and after...