Here is the release! 13 coonies this time. Most of these animals came in as neonates and bottle babies. It is very costly to rehabilitate and prepare these animals for release. If you would like to donate there are links at the top of the page as well as the donate button. We are not supported by any governmental agency. This is all on a volunteer basis. Please consider giving to the coonies we have in care. We currently have approximately 50 Cooney’s in rehabilitation.🦝💜
We had a great release on Saturday. This is a video of us, encouraging the raccoons to get into the carriers. We use Raccoon crack, also known as marshmallows a few weeks before release. We start giving them a few marshmallows as we don’t give them sweet treats. So we threw marshmallows into the carriers and some went in. The others we had to catch by catch with gloves. They do not like that at all and let us know.
A new group of 6 that will continue to wild up together in pre-release. Randy is lagging a little behind because Mr and Mrs Owens did a great job of spoiling him rotten before he came to the rescue!! 😳😊😉🦝💜
Berti has been at the rescue since she was a few days old. The finder saw a hawk drop her from about 6 ft in the air. That really isn’t a far drop depending on where they land. Roxy began exhibiting an off balance gait when she was a few weeks old. We believe that she is a parvo survivor contracting the disease in utero or from mom’s milk. Parvo attacks the cerebellum as the brain is developing. This cause animals, wildlife and domestic, to develop Cerebellar Hypoplasia. In Berti’s case, her balance is off and her mobility is affected. She has been deemed non-releasable and will live out her life with us here at Roxy’s. Enjoy this video. She is happy, healthy except for her disability, and loved. Isn’t that what we all want in life? She has it! 🦝💜
Meet Randy, Andy, and Annie! 🦝💜
Sorry for the wait! Here is our raccoon release from 10/20/24.
Stay safe, little coonies! We hope you have wonderful lives! 🦝💜
Today’s release continued!
June Release
So proud of these kiddos! They survived our parvo outbreak and now get to live their best life! 🦝💜
Here is a video from this morning of Bertie! She is on the move! Pain free and she loves to purr! She seems to be a happy girl! We will watch her as she grows. She is about 6 weeks old. She has a bright future ahead of her! We love this girl!! 🦝💜
This sweet girl needs lots of love and prayers. We are not sure exactly what is going on. We know she was dropped by a hawk from about 6 feet up according to the Finder. She is a sweetie and her name is Bertie. We are asking for donations to assist in her care.
Living the coonie life in pre-release! These coonies are still young but were moved outside early because of the disease outbreak in the rehab room. Roxy’s Raccoon Rehabilitation and Rescue, is still closed until the disease outbreak it fully contained and eliminated. Please pray the babies all stay healthy. Protocol is in
place. 🦝💜