Rare Chance to take Tracking Class in Southern Utah St George Washington county
Gail's Workman's Dog Obedience Training Made Easy is doing this as a fund raiser to help off set the cost of Red Canyons Kennel Club spring tracking test
We are the only all breed club in Utah that has tracking test .
This will be more urban tracking so we use parks hopefully college waiting to hear back from them. But we may if you know of some place easy to get to in desert with lot room. we only all breed club in state that has them and only one offering more advance tracking test.
Sundays starting in January 5th at St George Washington county area
11 am Regular tracking class $300.00 for the 6 weeks or $70 a week.
10 am Beginners tracking class those new to tracking class or new dogs that have never tracked, , they each will get 2 short tracks each week, slowly build up length each week. $200 for the 6 weeks or $50.00 a week.
For more information contact Gail Workman call of text message on facebook 435 592-5587
It is also very helpful to follow with Gail and pick up tips when she follows each track at test the judges follow but much farther back and their could be gallery following behind them to watch the dog do the track. if you can not afford it let us know we will have couple working spots and you can help lay tracks for discounted class.
dogs love tracking it all about them using their noses and you trusting them, another fun event that builds the bond between dog and handler plus gets you outdoors with your dog. Any age of dog or breed can do this don’t need lot equipment.
Glove bandana non restricting harness and to start about 10-15 long line and treats
we used cheap hot dogs if you dog can eat them cut in tiny pieces or some use ball in glove as the high valve reward at the end....
Later can get little lawn flag stakes cloths pins with some marking ribbon . helps marking tracks if laid in desert , during test or to get certificate to enter a test they tracks are blind you have no idea where the track goes other than the start flags .