You can control this hormone at you next meal.
Chronically high insulin levels can lead to a whole host of problems? When we consume a diet high in refined carbs and sugars, it causes our insulin levels to spike repeatedly. Over time insulin resistance sets in, and we have difficulty lowering insulin.
High insulin doesn’t just lead to weight gain - it can also cause inflammation, high blood pressure, and other serious health concerns. That’s because insulin is a storage hormone that inhibits the release of stored body fat. When insulin is constantly elevated, your body can’t access its fat stores for energy.
⬆️insulin=⬆️fat storage
⬇️insulin=⬇️fat storage and fat loss
The good news is, by keeping insulin low through a diet focused on whole, unprocessed foods, you can experience incredible benefits. Lower insulin means better energy, fat loss, reduced inflammation, and even improved brain and heart health. You may even find you can breathe easier!
Making dietary changes to control insulin is one of the most impactful things you can do for your overall health.
💚Here’s To Your Health,
Jamie BSN, RN- Certified Ketogenic Health Coach