Join the Licking Park District and the Granville Fishing Club for a Special Youth Fishing Day Event at Infirmary Mound Park!
Saturday April 13, 10am-1pm
This event follows an ODNR Rainbow Trout release earlier in the day. We are giving the kids the first go at them!
ONLY rainbow trout may be harvested from Mirror Lake. All other species are Catch & Release. Five trout max per day, per person harvest limit.
WHAT: Learn knot tying, rigging, casting, fish identification, proper fish handling and habitat from the Granville Fishing Club. Bring your fishing pole, bait & bucket or cooler filled with ice. Enjoy a hot dog lunch between casts and be prepared to have a great time. No experience is necessary. Some poles will be available for use on a first come-first served basis.
WHEN: Saturday, April 13 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)
*We kindly request that adults not fish until after 1:00 PM.
Infirmary Mound Park - Mirror Lake by Shelter 6
4351 Lancaster Rd, Granville OH 43023
No pre-registration required.
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]
or 740-587-2535