Announcing the first entry in DDW’s Liberation Library series, brought by Ziggy.
Starting out my reading list with Elite Capture by Olúfémi O. Táíwò. This slim book packs big philosophical ideas, discussing how leadership maintains the status quo by diverting focus, and defining the narrative behind some of our most pressing challenges we face today. Echoing the sentiments behind a book in the same vein, How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement by Fredrik deBoer, Táíwò focuses on how we got here and how to build working class solidarity. This book answered so many questions about why justice movements seem to go nowhere, and how action has fizzled out and not resulted in change.
How does this relate to my work as a dog walker and business owner? It does and doesn’t…I do spend lots of my time moving my body, and listening to audiobooks is one way I fulfill my insatiable need to learn. Walking boosts blood flow to the brain, and helps process emotions, among many other things. This all explains how dogs and books are linked together as I move through my work day!
I’ll continue bringing new and interesting books to the virtual table, and always welcome your suggestions on what to read next!