When its hot out, just go for a bit of a swim!!!! Follow the links in our bio for fun pet accesories.
Fun and Stylish Waste bag holder for when you are out and about with you 4-legged friend. Find our fun designs in our shops. Links are in our bio.
Can'r remember your pets neck size? No need to with our bandanas as they just slip over their collars. Follow the links in our bio to find all kinds of handmade pet accessories.
Our bows are safe for your pets and easy to change for every event. Follow the link in our bio to find one that fits your pets personality.
Took a walk to see how high the Mississippi was. WOW not only was it high it was MOVING.
Raining again today so we are stuck inside, but Johnny got to play with his friend Linc at the farm yesterday. Was one tired puppy after.
This one was a HUGE hit. It looks like a bar of soap. The fabric over and the squeaker didnt last all that long. Check out the link in our bio for all kinds of fun pet accessories.
We finaly got our first Bark Box!!!! As it was our first we got a double. Here is what we all got. Stay tuned to see what the pups think of all the toys and treats. Link in bio for all our fun pet accessories.
Just a normal day in our house. Yes that is little matchbox making all the noise.
Poor puppy cant get up on the couch yet. Will be interesting as they get older. Johnny isn't into sharing at ll yet. Check out our bio for all kinds of fun pet accessories.
Just a fun day out in the sun at the farm with my best friend. Check out our fun pet accessories by following the link in our bio.
Atleast 2 or 3 times a day we are playing find the ball under the couch.
Link in bio for funpet accessories