We will no doubt have a plethora of videos and pictures to share, but check out these awesome dogs doing a sit stay with distractions! Laura TheravenousBraineater Newland is on the mic and did an incredible job running the show!
Bailey, Fletcher, Fox, Mango, Jax and Benny in the video!
Today I worked my board and train Fae at my local playground. We trained here to work on obedience with distractions and to work on building her confidence being in an environment that has a lot going on and that has kids.
When we arrived the little boy in the video came up and tried to give her a hug. She did not appreciate that and backed away.  I advocated for her and told the boy that the dog likes to be pet but not hugged and we continued on training.
We did move to the other side of the park to continue our training and the boy came back and although he interrupted our training, he was much more respectful and just tried to pet her.
The mom apologized profusely and I told her it was okay. We reset and continued on with our training.
I am training a dog at a children’s playground.  I have to expect the unexpected and we had the unexpected today. She had lots of children asked to say hi and she did very well. I am proud of her because it was not an easy day.