Animal House Academy Dog Training

Animal House Academy Dog Training Dog Trainer, AKC Evaluator Dog and Puppy Training, AKC EVALUATOR


Happy Motivation Monday Everyone!

Walking your dog should be a delightful experience, but if your furry companion pulls, darts around, or doesn’t listen, it can quickly turn into a frustrating ordeal. Don’t worry—there’s hope!

Starting with the right gear is always a good start, a sturdy 4 to 6-foot slip leash or a well-fitted martingale collar (both of these are designed to discourage pulling). Begin by practicing basic cues like "sit," "stay," and "heel" at home (inside your home). Using positive training and reinforce with praise, affection and treats is going to be your best ally in this journey.

Reinforce your dog for walking calmly by your side, and if they start to pull, simply stop walking and wait for your leash to slacken before continuing.

Consistency is key, so make sure everyone in your household uses the same cues and techniques.

Keep your walks interesting by allowing some sniffing and exploring time, but set clear boundaries for focused walking. Be patient and stay positive—training takes time and every dog learns at their own pace.

I have a challenge for you, Focus on rewarding good behavior and avoid corrections/punishment (don’t pull on your dog’s neck). Did you notice the difference in your walk? Let’s read your feedback.

Are you struggling with your dog’s leash manners? Are you Ready to enjoy stress-free walks with your dog?
Schedule a free consultation to get started on nice walks with your dog today! 🐾

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Hey There! Welcome to today’s Q&A session!  We hope you enjoy these tips to your questions. Give this post a thumbs up a...

Hey There! Welcome to today’s Q&A session! We hope you enjoy these tips to your questions. Give this post a thumbs up and share with your friends who might benefit from it.

Don't Miss Out and Start sending in your questions or comment your questions below for our next Q & A session.

Need in-person help with your dog's training call/text to talk to our trainer or visit our website to schedule your free consultation now. 🐶 💜

Stay Pawsitive!

Hey there, PAW-some pet parents! Are you dreaming of a home where jumping is a thing of the past and your pup responds t...

Hey there, PAW-some pet parents! Are you dreaming of a home where jumping is a thing of the past and your pup responds to your every gesture? You're in luck! This Training Tip Tuesday we're excited to share a video packed with invaluable insights to help you teach your furry companion good manners right at home. Get ready to say goodbye to jumping and hello to polite, well-behaved pups!

Remember, every training session is a bonding opportunity. Consistency, patience, and plenty of praise are the keys to success! Happy training, everyone!

👍 Don't forget to give our YouTube video a thumbs up and share it with your friends! 🐾

Now it's your turn! Watch the video, then like , comment what you think about the tips, or tag someone in the comments who might find these tips helpful.

Share this post on your wall to spread the word and help your friends create a harmonious home environment with their furry companions!

Ready to take your dog’s training to the next level? Visit our website to schedule a free consultation with our trainer today! 🐾📆

This video you will see the dog trainer handle a 5 month old puppy that full of energy, he jumps up a lot during this training session. He was just dropped o...

Hey There Fellow Dog Lovers!  Our next Q & A session is coming up, and we can't wait to hear your dog training questions...

Hey There Fellow Dog Lovers!

Our next Q & A session is coming up, and we can't wait to hear your dog training questions! 🐶💬 Have a tricky training issue or need some expert tips? Now's your chance to ask away!

Message or Drop your questions in the comments below. 👇 Don't forget to like, share, and tag your fellow dog-loving friends who'd love to join in!

Let's make this the most pawsome Q & A session ever! 🐕🎉

📢 Spread the word – hit that share button and get your friends in on the fun! 🗣️💬

Looking forward to your questions and making this a tail-wagging good time! 🐾💜

¡Buenas noticias para nuestros amigos de la comunidad Hispana!Si prefieres comunicarte en español, nuestra entrenadora d...

¡Buenas noticias para nuestros amigos de la comunidad Hispana!

Si prefieres comunicarte en español, nuestra entrenadora de perros está aquí para ayudarte. Nos dedicamos a asegurar que tú y tu perro tengan la mejor experiencia posible.

📅 Reserva tu sesión hoy y disfruta de una mejor comunicación y comprensión durante el entrenamiento.

☎️ Contáctanos para más información:

📞 Teléfono: 727-902-0548
📧 Correo electrónico: [email protected]
🌐 Sitio web:

¡Esperamos verte a ti y a tu perro pronto! 🐕❤️

The Super Sniffer: How Dogs Use Their Noses to SmellDogs possess an exceptional sense of smell, which is estimated to be...

The Super Sniffer: How Dogs Use Their Noses to Smell

Dogs possess an exceptional sense of smell, which is estimated to be between 10,000 to 100,000 times more acute than that of humans. This extraordinary olfactory capability is attributed to several anatomical and physiological features. Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about 5 to 6 million in humans. Additionally, the part of their brain dedicated to analyzing smells is proportionally 40 times larger than that of humans.

Dogs also have a specialized organ called the vomeronasal organ (also called the Jacobson's organ), which detects pheromones, playing a crucial role in social and reproductive behaviors. The structure of a dog's nose allows for continuous airflow, enabling them to take in new scents even while exhaling. These adaptations make dogs invaluable in various roles such as search and rescue, detection of drugs and explosives, and medical diagnoses, including detecting certain types of cancers and predicting epileptic seizures and migraines.

Loved learning about your dogs' super senses?

♥️ Like this post if you did!
🔔 Follow us for more fascinating insights into the animal world!
📢 Share this infographic with your friends and help spread the knowledge!

Learn More! Discover more about your canine friend's capabilities with these references:

- Horowitz, Alexandra. "Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know." Scribner, 2009.
- "Dogs' Dazzling Sense of Smell." PBS, 2012. PBS.
- "The Science of Dogs' Sense of Smell." American Kennel Club. AKC.

Exciting News! We just received a new Google review! 🎉 Reviews like these inspire us to keep doing what we love best.A h...

Exciting News!

We just received a new Google review! 🎉 Reviews like these inspire us to keep doing what we love best.

A huge thank you to our wonderful clients for playing an active role in their dog's training. Together, we're helping your dog, one wag at a time. 🐶❤️

Keep the reviews coming – we appreciate every single one of you! 🙌


If you yawn, does your dog do the same? Your answer below 👇🏼

Please Share this post on your wall, give it a ❤️, and leave a three word or more comment of encouragement, inspiration ...

Please Share this post on your wall, give it a ❤️, and leave a three word or more comment of encouragement, inspiration to the owner of this small dog training business. You might think its silly, but it's not, your referral helps put food in my dogs bowl and your encouragement helps motivate during slow times. It takes a village, and You are my village, Thank you for all your support!

Today's dog training session was a great success, focusing on enhancing Scooter’s attention and engagement with her hand...

Today's dog training session was a great success, focusing on enhancing Scooter’s attention and engagement with her handler. We began with interactive activities to capture her interest, then moved on to practicing polite sitting while the handler engaged in conversation and sitting calmly when being petted. Scooter performed excellently, demonstrating improved focus and responsiveness. We also worked on walking through a crowd, reinforcing her for maintaining attention on her handler amidst distractions. Both Scooter and her handler showed significant progress, with Scooter consistently meeting our training goals and my client confidently applying the techniques. The session ended on a high note, with the dog happily engaged and the client pleased with their results.

If need help with your dog learning to focus and engage with you beyond the walls of your house, like Scooter here, visit our website at: and schedule your free consultation. Let's get you the help you need today!


Just hanging out with Autie Sandy and Thor for breakfast.

Help me Congratulate our newest qualified AKC Star Puppy, by leaving 👏🏽 emoji in the comments. You have come so far Zeus...

Help me Congratulate our newest qualified AKC Star Puppy, by leaving 👏🏽 emoji in the comments.

You have come so far Zeus and I can’t wait to start with your next training lessons. 🐾

I have the cutest pup-manager making sure I’m getting things done this morning 😝 Bradley is hanging out with Auntie Sand...

I have the cutest pup-manager making sure I’m getting things done this morning 😝

Bradley is hanging out with Auntie Sandy for the day 🥰

In case you haven’t trained with us yet, Your dogs become part of our Family, we love each one with all our hearts, they feel safe around us which helps your dog succeed in learning and achieving your goals.

Need a trainer that understands the way your dogs learns, give me a call 727-902-0548 💜

Our First Pack Walk and 5K Fit Dog Spring Scurry was fun! Thank you for coming out Tara and Louis and Brittany and Roman...

Our First Pack Walk and 5K Fit Dog Spring Scurry was fun!

Thank you for coming out Tara and Louis and Brittany and Roman. Fun Times! 🐾🐾🐾

Xylitol is safe for humans ONLY! but can kill your dog very quickly. The more you know the easier it is to prevent traum...

Xylitol is safe for humans ONLY! but can kill your dog very quickly.

The more you know the easier it is to prevent traumatic event.

Such an exciting day, Advanced Obedience is evaluating!!! 🎉

Such an exciting day, Advanced Obedience is evaluating!!! 🎉

Happy Easter

Happy Easter


In the quiet solitude of the park, beneath the canopy of majestic oak trees swaying in the gentle breeze of a sunny morning, a group of reactive dog owners gathers. Each one carries a weight upon their shoulders, invisible burdens of worry and doubt. As they exchange glances, a silent understanding passes between them - the acknowledgment of shared vulnerability. Some have pups that bark incessantly, others struggle with leash aggression, while a few battle the ever-present fear of their beloved companions falling ill. Yet, amidst these trials, they find solace in the knowledge that they are not alone in their struggles.

In the rustling of leaves and the dappling sunlight filtering through the branches, they discover a bond that transcends words. Each leash tug and bark becomes a testament to the strength found in vulnerability, a reminder that it's okay to seek support when the weight feels too heavy. Through shared stories of triumphs and setbacks, they offer comfort and understanding, knowing that behind every wagging tail lies a story of resilience.

As they navigate the winding paths of life with their faithful companions by their side, they find courage in vulnerability, knowing that together, they can weather any storm. And as the morning sun climbs higher in the sky, casting a warm golden hue through the leaves of the oak trees, they bid farewell to the park and its fleeting moments of camaraderie. Our reactive dog clients carry with them the reassurance that in their vulnerability, they have found strength, and in their shared experiences, they have found kinship. Never realizing before that this kind of support was needed.

If you find yourself grappling with a reactive dog, seeking support and guidance, we invite you to join our reactive dog group classes. Together, we'll navigate the journey of training and understanding, finding strength in vulnerability and community. Register now to embark on this transformative journey alongside fellow dog owners, because in our shared experiences, we discover the power of empathy and growth.

Guess where our Advanced Obedience class is meeting?

Guess where our Advanced Obedience class is meeting?

Behind every wagging tail is a world of love, loyalty, and unwavering companionship. To all dog owners: Your dedication ...

Behind every wagging tail is a world of love, loyalty, and unwavering companionship. To all dog owners: Your dedication doesn't go unnoticed. You're not just caretakers; you're cherished partners in paws, making the world brighter, one woof at a time. ~Animal House Academy, LLC

Step into the spotlight of knowledge with our monthly Q&A session, where we shine a light on the most pressing questions...

Step into the spotlight of knowledge with our monthly Q&A session, where we shine a light on the most pressing questions from our dog community.

Each month will we break down one of the topics that matter most to you, offering expert insights and solutions. DM us your dog training question we will feature it in our next Q & A session.

In the vast realm of human-animal companionship, few bonds are as profound and enduring as that between humans and dogs....

In the vast realm of human-animal companionship, few bonds are as profound and enduring as that between humans and dogs. For many, dogs are more than just pets; they are confidants, companions, and in some cases, lifesavers. My journey into the world of dog training is deeply rooted in this understanding, stemming from a decision that would change the course of my life forever: the decision to get a puppy and train it to become my service dog.

Getting into dog training wasn't just a casual interest for me; it was born out of necessity and a deep personal journey. It all began with a decision to get a puppy, not just as a companion, but with the intention of training him to become my service dog. However, this seemingly simple decision quickly became a complex journey. The first hurdle I faced was the daunting cost of hiring a professional service dog trainer. It was a price beyond my means, prompting me to search for alternatives.

In my quest for an affordable solution, I stumbled upon another trainer whose rates were more manageable and with hopeful anticipation, I began what I thought would be the start of our training journey. Unfortunately, this trainer turned out not to be the right fit for us. Rather than feeling discouraged, I saw this setback as an opportunity. Refusing to give up on my goal and determined to train my puppy, I delved into the world of dog training, devouring books, articles, and online resources. It was during this period of self-education that my passion for understanding canine behavior and training methodologies truly ignited.

As I immersed myself in the intricacies of dog training, I realized that my journey wasn't just about training my own service dog; it was about helping others too. Eager to expand my knowledge and practical experience, I began volunteering at the local dog training club, soaking up knowledge from experienced trainers and enthusiasts. Through hands-on experience and observation, I gained invaluable insights into how dogs learn and communicate.

Armed with newfound knowledge and practical experience, I embarked on the challenging yet rewarding task of training my puppy to be a service dog. Each success and setback taught me valuable lessons, refining my skills and deepening my understanding of canine behavior. Alongside my own training journey, I found fulfillment in assisting others with their own dogs, offering guidance and support to fellow dog owners facing similar challenges.

As my expertise grew, so did my desire to share it with a broader audience. This passion led me to establish my own dog training company, driven by a commitment to providing effective, compassionate training solutions. Through dedication, hard work, and a genuine love for dogs, my company flourished, earning a reputation for excellence in the field.

Today, I take pride in the success stories of the dogs and owners I've had the privilege to work with. Whether it's helping someone train their first puppy or assisting in the development of a service dog, each interaction reaffirms my belief in the transformative power of dog training. My journey from a novice dog owner to a successful dog trainer has been both challenging and immensely rewarding, shaping not only my career, but also my profound connection with woman's best friend.

In the tapestry of life, our relationships with dogs are woven with threads of love, loyalty, and learning. My journey into dog training has been a testament to the profound bond between humans and dogs, a journey marked by determination, resilience, and unwavering dedication. As I reflect on the path that brought me here, I am filled with gratitude for the lessons learned, the connections forged, and the lives touched. And as I look to the future, I do so with optimism and excitement, eager to continue my pursuit of canine behavior and communication mastery and dog training services.

- Sandra Garcia

Hey there! Are you're looking for an amazing Puppy training class that trains in real life scenarios, a class that train...

Hey there! Are you're looking for an amazing Puppy training class that trains in real life scenarios, a class that trains in the presence of distractions to help stop puppy from lunging and pulling, establish leash manners and calmness, then enroll today in our upcoming Puppy Obedience training classes that start Saturday March 30, 2024 @ 2:30PM there is one spot up for grabs it can be yours if you act now!

Do you have an older dog that you’re still proofing training their distraction behavior, recalls and leash manners, then we think your dog wants you to enroll them in our Dog Obedience training classes. Starting Friday April 5th, 2024 @ 5:30PM for 7 weeks. These spots are filling quick, be sure to follow the link below and register for this class today!

Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Teaching your dog Basic Obedience skills in real life situations while preparing you and your dog to earn their Canine Good Citizen on the seventh week.


kibble needed!
Dear Dog Lovers 🐾,

Our non-profit animal rescue is facing a CRITICAL situation! 🆘 We have a TON of Dogs, puppies and small breed dogs in our care, both at the rescue and in foster homes 🏡, but we’re running out of all food FAST! 🐶😢

We provide our dedicated fosters with nourishing puppy food for their fosters, but our supplies are EMPTY, and our pockets are too! 💔 We’re reaching out to our AMAZING dog community for support 🙏. Can you spare a bag of puppy food? 🐕 No donation is too small; every kibble counts! 🌟

Please, please, PLEASE consider dropping off a bag of puppy food to help these precious furballs thrive. ⚠️ Time is of the essence, and we need YOUR help ASAP to ensure these pups get the nutrition they need to grow into healthy, happy dogs. 🐾 you can now buy it with Walmart Wish list

Let’s come together as a community and make a difference in these puppies’ lives! 🤝 Your generosity can make all the tail-wagging difference. 🐾❤️

📍Drop-off location: 901 N Fremont Ave, 33606, Tampa FL
🕚Times: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
⁉️For questions: TEXT 813-836-0711

Thank you from the bottom of our paws! 🙌🐾


Saint Petersburg, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm




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