Craig’s Canine Coaching. Craig T. Johnson - CMDT

Craig’s Canine Coaching. Craig T. Johnson - CMDT My name is Craig Johnson CMDT. I am a 1993 Graduate from National K9. I am excited to meet you to empower you & become the best dog parent

I have worked with clients from all walks of life including professional athletes and icons in the beauty industry.

They are magnify our differences and attempting to separate us ! Our dogs instinctually know that there differences are ...

They are magnify our differences and attempting to separate us ! Our dogs instinctually know that there differences are exactly what helped there ancestors survive no different than ours !! Some are more sensitive and warn of danger some are faster some stronger for example 🎯 focus on one another’s differences to day and how this creates a brilliant balance 🙌 The power of the wolf is in the pack the power of the pack is in the wolf !!! Let’s celebrate on another’s differences and strengthen our families our communities our country and our world ⚔️

What do you have planned for us today ? Remember life’s an adventure 🎯Our dogs are at our mercy !! We determine if it’s ...

What do you have planned for us today ? Remember life’s an adventure 🎯

Our dogs are at our mercy !!
We determine if it’s a day of drudgery and boredom or excitement and adventure !!

How could you shake it up for your dog today ?

Get creative and do something they would never expect .
Walk a new route 🎯
Be completely present and have a great play session with them !

You might feel you are to stressed to overwhelmed yet after this session you do for them you will find you by default will also reap the benefits 🔥

Guilt of my past holds me prisoner in the present !!! The emotions that we call negative and attempt to numb and run fro...

Guilt of my past holds me prisoner in the present !!!

The emotions that we call negative and attempt to numb and run from are a brilliant internal guide system !!

As humans we tend to spend a majority of our time focusing on our past so called losses versus our wins .

This perspective can than cause us to freeze and hesitate to move into new challenges that can catapult us to new and exciting heights in all areas of our lives 🎯

Many people feel guilt and shame within the relationship with there puppy or dog ! This saddens me .

It is often fueled by the people they turn to for help and guidance . I remember countless clients coming to me sharing how they reached out for guidance from a professions only to be shamed for what they had done or had not done with there dog 😒

We are dealing with one of the most confused insecure generations of parents ever in part to information overload and mixed signals !!
Use this tool !!
Don’t use this product !!
Don’t treat so much !
Use more treats !
Keep a watch out for my upcoming workshops and clinics both in person and on line where you will enter a beautiful space of non judgment and safety to not only learn but unlearn and begging to trust your instinctual power that lies within waiting to be unleashed 🔥🔥🎯

My intent is not to be safe !!!  I raised my kids with this mentality . I condition my dogs to have this mind set . The ...

My intent is not to be safe !!! I raised my kids with this mentality . I condition my dogs to have this mind set . The facts are there are dangers everywhere in society so instead of safe I desire kids and dogs who are strong mentally and physically 🎯 Able to handle life’s pressures because they have trained both mind and body so that when the storms come they are prepared !! 🙌 My target for this quarter is to work on living what I lead !! When danger comes knocking at my door I am weaponized for my loved ones period

If your dog could talk they would say thank you for socializing me and allowing my world to expand !! I can now reach my...

If your dog could talk they would say thank you for socializing me and allowing my world to expand !! I can now reach my full potential 🎯⚔️

This is one of the most important skill sets you can ever develop with your dog in a modern world !!

This is one of the most important skill sets you can ever develop with your dog in a modern world !!

What dos this pic have to do with dogs ? Everything !!  One thing I have learned from spending over five decades on this...

What dos this pic have to do with dogs ? Everything !! One thing I have learned from spending over five decades on this planet is I can’t give to others when my cup is empty 🎯 If we want to be balanced guides and puppy parents to our dogs it starts with taking time to first take care of ourselves so we can be strong willing and able to give to those who depend on us for support in there lives . I am returning here from some alone time in the sun absorbing power from the ocean so I can give from a full cup to my loved ones , both two legged and four 🐾 I reflect on the past week , plan a little for the upcoming week and get present in the moment thanking my creator for the gift of life 🙌Do you take some time out each week to take care of you ? If so what form ! I return from moments like this rejuvenated , grounded and able to meet my family’s needs 🔥⚔️


It’s not about what I want for the upcoming clinics - It’s what YOU want. Listen to the video and Leave a comment below!

LOVE IS NOT ENOUGT IN MY RELATIONSHIPS With humans or with my dogs . I tried that game. Without a mutual respect and tru...

LOVE IS NOT ENOUGT IN MY RELATIONSHIPS With humans or with my dogs .
I tried that game. Without a mutual respect and trust of one another the relationship will slowly crumble!

In past relationships we had each experienced trauma that can still cause triggers to this day!!
Now we practice the art of collision daily. By working through little disagreements while they are still micro in size. This process is much easier to deal with when we are simply irritated with one another preventing us from stuffing things down , until we feel anger or rage and then slice one another with words that can scar for life ☺️

We all desire to be in authentic relationships where we are safe to be completely real!! ALL OF OURSELVES -UNTAMED yet we have learned to be reserved in this area to protect ourselves.

Dogs as well as us humans have primal instincts, that when suppressed lead to a lashing out in frustration!! Often we judge them for their moments of outburst, the same way we do with our human companions.

Here at Primal Instinct Canine we work with the dog’s deeply rooted drives and desires versus fighting against them.


Almost every conflict that has ever gone down is a rules and boundaries battle, one or the other feel that their partner has stomped on their rules or boundaries .

The issue is that we are almost always unsure what the other’s rules or boundaries are. This lack of clarity leads to confusion. Where we unconsciously break the others rules!!
We don’t want to harm one another, yet do because of this lack of clarity.

This is no different in the relationships with our dogs 🎯

I am offering online clinics for some upcoming dates where I will be guiding committed individuals through the discovery of what your dogs primal rules and boundaries are. Then communication with your dog will feel as thought you are swimming with the river’s current and not battling against it’s forces.

I will also be guiding you on how to communicate to your dog on what your human boundaries are in a simple and clear manner!! This will allow you to take your human/ canine relationship to new heights.

Our human relationships as well as the relationships with ourselves affect our dogs !!Sitting at the foundation of any m...

Our human relationships as well as the relationships with ourselves affect our dogs !!

Sitting at the foundation of any mammals deep instinctual desires that lives in a group dynamic is to feel a clarity of where they fit into the family .
What role each member plays ?

A feeling of safety and security .

By everyone playing there part the needs of the pack , herd , pod , tribe or family will be met in the process !!

Our dogs instinctually are highly sensitive and in tune to the interconnection of every family member in the household .

Today I will be proactive and evaluate how my actions or lack of them will affect the family .
I will make choices that will be beneficial to both me and the group simultaneously !!

Buy doing this Julie the kids as well as the dogs will reap the rewards of me awakening to this foundation level action step to a more balanced and functional family unit !!


Where we remind ourself to work with our instincts versus fight against them !

Today is a new day , stop dwelling on your past mistakes or lack of action get in the gym or migrate with your dog today...

Today is a new day , stop dwelling on your past mistakes or lack of action get in the gym or migrate with your dog today and feel the natural high without guilt you will feel from fulfilling you and your dogs deep rooted primal instincts to move and explore !!!

Great cigar from a great friend !! Thanks Lorenzo 😎🎯

Great cigar from a great friend !!
Thanks Lorenzo 😎🎯


The primal power in apprenticeship

I discovered that the oldest form of teaching on the planet for humans and almost all other species is through the art and science of apprenticeship. The fact that in a modern world, apprenticeship retains its deep value is proof of this !!

In a world of information overload we can forget about the power of elevating our mind sets and skill sets to produce new heights by simply being in the presence of ,and keenly observing someone who has achieved or acquired what we desire in a certain area of life .

From the time we are able to see and hear we are practicing this game of mimicking and copying those around us , puppys are also instincualy playing this game of monkey see monkey do !

The first step in using this centurys old form of teaching is to number one; be aware of it and the fact that we can us it to our advantage, and number two; is to allow it to unfold naturally and affect us and the people/animals in our inner circle.

Being aware of apprenticeship allows us to proactively select who we will spend time with and who we will allow our kids and dogs to spend time learning from .

There will never be a world where each person and dog in our presence will fit our idea of the perfect standard.
Our kids and dogs must learn to deal with real life pressures. What we can do to empower them is to get them surrounded by role models; both human and animal, that seem to have gotten great results in either emotional I.Q or other desirable aspects in life.

By doing this, it allows them to soak up the elders wisdom like a sponge in the process .

I want to personaly thank the men , woman and dogs of the world who by leading by example have touched my life in a profound manner !!!


I teach this to almost every dog I work with !!!

Saves your knees and back 🎯

Me before raising my standards of what I will accept from myself and me after choosing to Rise !!!Give yourself permissi...

Me before raising my standards of what I will accept from myself and me after choosing to Rise !!!
Give yourself permission today to let your light shine without apology 🎯🔥

I’m a Lion and a Lamb !!!! I got in a fist fight with a dude that outweighed me by 70 pounds, because he called a woman ...

I’m a Lion and a Lamb !!!!

I got in a fist fight with a dude that outweighed me by 70 pounds, because he called a woman a fat ass!

I fell off a ladder that rested on a six foot tall scaffolding, fell 12 feet and landed on my back .

If I was just the lamb I would not be alive today to be writing this 👏

I had to swim over a quarter mile dragging a friend who developed cramps feeling like I was drowning in the process.

I love the gentle side of myself, the lamb the side of me who can cry at the drop of the hat by even thinking of how deeply I love my kids.

The side of me that wants to kneel on the ground next to someone in a wheel chair so maybe once in their life they can hold a conversation without staring upwards to attempt to look into someone’s eyes!!

But I am learning my lion side is here for a reason as well, if your kid was trapped under a tree, or your dog was getting mangled in a fight, that is when you would want to see my lion side come out .

When I enter into that realm, I get tunnel vision 🎯 Fear what is that ?
I get a strength that cannot be described, I have lifted things effortlessly, that when approached after my adrenaline has gone down I can’t budge for the life of me.

I have leaped over a six foot fence to help a puppy like it was no more than six inches off the ground!

Julie thinks my Lamb side is cute ❤️❤️

But she thinks my Lion side is undeniably sexy 🔥🔥🔥

I spend more time as the lamb, and for this I feel fortunate, yet if need be I can rest easy knowing that just below the surface lies a lion who without hesitation will tear s**t up to protect my loved ones or someone in need 👊

When you or someone you know has a dog that acts aggressively, realize that for thousands of years their life depended on the ability to protect themselves or their family from danger!!

You and your dog have a primal power that in a modern world can be suppressed . If not released in a controlled manor it can spew out in dangerous rage .
The gym , swimming laps , biking are some of the ways I release this energy now so I can feel grounded

We go thru phases in our life !   Most people do not slow down every so often to reflect on there advancements or wins !...

We go thru phases in our life !

Most people do not slow down every so often to reflect on there advancements or wins !!

A majority of our rime is spent on past situations where we felt we dropped the ball !!

I slowed my role this morning before my workout to realize that in the past I used so many different forms of Pre workout .

Protein powders in the late 80s
Orange juice
Yes even straight Whiskey , a phase I am not the proudest of but had to go thru non the less !

Today it is Coffee

Take a moment today to reflect on an area you have improved in and sit there in that place for a bit than choose to Rise to a new level !!

The key to happiness is improvement in a area of your life !

Take one small step today to improve in something , and reap the Benefits 🎯


Using natural boundaries and barriers are great for training with your Dog !
I commented on young pups in the video , for them I would use a hallway for example without the water 👍


Am adventures with Bronco and His Family 😎🐾


We are 70 percent water !
Moving water doesn’t get stagnant .
Find a creative way to move and flow today !

Thanks to everyone that keeps the pool clean and pristine. I love this place we now call home.

Thanks to everyone that keeps the pool clean and pristine. I love this place we now call home.


Your ability to do the task at hand is determined by your Focus on the task !!

Wanted to show you all the roller coaster
And Julie’s Jean shorts distracted me !

The ability to look at things from a new perspective   🔥I used to go into judgment the moment I seen a Dog in a stroller...

The ability to look at things from a new perspective 🔥
I used to go into judgment the moment I seen a Dog in a stroller !
I want to take a moment the second I get triggered today by someone else’s actions and remember I do not know all the facts .
And surrender to the fact that I am the only one I can control and focus on being the best version of me today !
Every time I think I have learned everything about a subject , I get humbled and realize how much I have yet to learn and life is no different .
The most powerful way I can work to influence the world in a powerful manor is to pretend I am constantly carrying a mirror with me and when I get triggered by someone else’s behavior I can ask where and how can I improve today !
I remember when I was a child seeing people with there Dogs and thinking wow they treat there Dogs as though they are there actual kids .
I know have come to a chapter in my life I can relate in a deep level .
People down here in Florida use strollers and wagons for Dogs like Willow who cannot handle the heat as well so they can take breaks .
,We now do the same ! River just jumped in for the photo .
Can’t leave Big Brother out
Our Dogs are like eternal children bringing us so much joy even the work they bring that we sometimes complain about no different than a young child gives us a feeling of importance and relevance in this world , they need us and we need them , it’s a mutual healing 😎
On some level we all have some form of a mental health issue .
Our Dogs and the Dogs of the world in my opinion our the top healers on the planet , and it is our responsibility to do our part to meet there needs no matter how small .
I am truly Grateful every day for the comfort , joy , laughter, and healing they bring to us humans !!


I have another day to make things right !!
I have been gifted another day on this planet to make things right .
I have the opportunity to connect with people I have lost touch with , share with others how important they are in my life , and most importantly look at myself with forgiveness for the past and allow myself the gift of truly being in the present moment !
Where are attention gos , energy flows !!
So therefor I will see , and hear the beauty in everything around me today .
I want to deeply focus on literally every moment I am in and allow myself to feel my emotions completely and use them as the guide system they were meant to be .
If I feel a pull to wright that note or make that call to someone I will do it without delay .
If I feel an urge to give a compliment to a complete stranger I will do it without hesitation .
I want to feel that my life could stop at any moment and I would have zero regrets on how I lived those last moments of my life .
Realizing we have a limited time to take life in and be with loved ones and share the gift of our presence with others and receive there's allows me to take it all in completely .
Cherishing every moment .
We as humans realize we have a limited time on this journey thru life and this can be scary and overwhelming at times yet if we shift our perspective we can use this fear to push us into action to go out and live our lives all in 🔥🔥
loving others and ourselves along the way .
I invite You to think of the lessons I have gained here and put them into action throughout your day
Remember what a beautiful unique gift you are to all of those in your life 😎👊.


When You go to the Dog Beach and Your also a Horse Fan , this makes Your day !!


This is what True Love looks like !!


Some mind sets that may assist Your Dogs long stays


Saint Petersburg, FL





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