8 Ways to Prepare your pups for the July 4th holiday!
During the holiday festivities, here are a few ways to help keep your four-legged family member safe.
-Desensitize your dog to loud noises using YouTube or other media and slowly introducing similar sounds. If your dog is fearful of loud and unfamiliar sounds, keep them in a room or space that feels safe and quiet - try using white noise or a T.V. to drown out the sounds.
-Keeping them cool, inside the home is the safest place.
-Be sure your dog is easy to identify. Ensure proper collar and tags are placed securely and microchip data is up to date. Identification is key should your dog get lost or loose.
-Keep your dog on a leash! Even if your pup seems Ok with the loud sounds or you already know they are fearful during this holiday, taking them out to potty on a leash will help to avoid further issues. Keep your fences and doors secured.
-Curiosity! Keep curious dogs away from fire, sparklers and even glow sticks have hazardous chemicals inside them and can burn when hot.
-No table scraps. Avoid upsetting their stomach by having a guest temp your pet with any sudden change to their diet. Some human foods can also be toxic to dogs: grapes, onions, avocados, chocolate and alcohol are a few examples. Chicken bones, corn cobs and other foods can cause obstructions in their gut and major issues.
-Lastly, keep an eye out for other toxins in the area. Lighter fluid inhalation and ingestion can cause major health issues. Other items such as ingesting human sunscreen can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy; bug sprays containing DEET can cause neurological concerns and citronella oil from candles can depress the central nervous system and of course, fireworks can severely burn your dog but also may contain other toxic ingredients like arsenic and other heavy metals.
-After the holiday, check your yard for any firework debris or trash prior to letting your dog out off or on the leash.
Ways to help to keep your dogs safe and calm! Happy July 4th!