Smile it’s almost Friday. #animalhyperbarics
Owner Leticia describes her experience with her little girl Mila aka Baby using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for suspected IVDD or FCE . Unable to even lift her head or stand with assistance! 2 hyperbaric sessions first day she was out of pain , drinking and lifting her head, and urinating on her own. Day two waging her tail and able to stand with lots of assistance! Day Three legs moving and could sit when helped!! Day four getting stronger! Standing in pool moving left front . Day five she stood up and walked on her own!!! She has continued to improve with a total of 10 Hyperbaric sessions !! Go Baby girl! #animalhyperbarics #stoptheinflamation #reversethedamage #teamwork #conservativecare #IVDDhasoptions #FCEhasoptions
Thank you to all who participated in our 4th Snake Avoidance training. This training saves lives ! That is our mission!! Thank you to RioConcho Kennels and David Egger for safely guiding all sizes of dogs 6 lbs to 200 lbs through case scenarios involving dogs, encountering venomous snakes, in normal environments safely. Our amazing snake team brought fascinating snakes for everyone to see. Phillip Bacigalupo educated people and debunked several wives tales about snakes . But his main work was keeping the snakes safe and free of stress. #teamwork #rattlesnake #snakephotography
Simulated eclipse in one of our Hyperbaric Chamber
Simulated eclipse this morning in one of our Hyperbaric Chambers . Lighting changes the mood of animals This is Murphy G and Tulip please follow their stories
Personality plus this little pug girl!!
She needs positive vibes
Marcy and puppies are doing well!! They will be looking for new homes soon!! Please share!! #onedogatatime sometimes more!!!
Peanut is napping and breathing her way to a healthy lifestyle!! Go Peanut
Peanut is just sleeping during her third Hyperbaric session (HBOT) her body is rapidly producing stem cell and reducing inflammation!
Presumed IVDD is the number one diagnosis we are referred! Back pain in our canines is a medical emergency!! The faster we can get them in to us we can help prevent permanent damage . #animalhyperbarics #stoptheinflamation #doyourownresearch #bulldog #ivdd #IVDDhasoptions #healindays
Charlie gained his wings November 23 after a battle with a progressive neuro-muscular disorder …. He will be sadly missed by all that fought to save him!! He touched all our hearts. Our heart felt thanks to his owner Doug for sharing this precious boy , his groomer Paula Queener Haynes, for introducing Charlie and his dad Doug to us . Dr.Imma Puigdomenech Veterinarian extraordinaire traveling this path with us each day and Dr Rachel Ramasur, Dr. Somners and Kevan Corson , my kids and all my friends who cheered near and far ….. #charlieforever
For those who have been asking for updates on Charlie check out his newest video today. Full story coming soon for those who don’t know Charlie’s story . #animalhyperbarics #stoptheinflammation #healthebrain #woundhealinginsideoroutside
Spirit has #IVDD # IVDDhadoptions
Spirit was rushed to us diagnosed with a IVDD time is of essence to Stop the damage to the spinal cord. Spirit was dragging both hind legs!! #IVDD #IVDDhasoptions #acceleratedhealing
Diatomaceous earth is a non-toxic natural substance. It's made from crushed fossils of freshwater organisms and marine life. ... Diatomaceous earth is deadly to any insect, yet completely harmless to animals. It can kill fleas, ticks, lice or mites.
This is a short video of us putting out Diatomaceous earth. Texas has had a very mild winter, and we are constantly fighting pests!!