The bond these dogs form is incredible. Their work ethic, loyalty, excitement and love for their partners can be exemplified in any sport, service work, or just as a household pet, but the way they figure out how to accomplish the goal of harvesting game always amazes me.
People ask "How did you train that dog to retrieve, listen, point, hunt, etc., etc." The fact is, I spend time with them, reward them for doing what's right and scold them for doing what's wrong, and always do it immediately and consistently. The hunting Labrador's instincts are honed by practicing their craft. The more time they get in the field, the more they learn and the better they get at finding game in whatever manner you may be trying to harvest it.
I have had some of my dogs professionally trained by some excellent trainers, but even then, we have to spend time with each other to learn to communicate and bond with each other. There is no substitute for time and a relationship with your dog to build that teamwork. They will strive to accomplish whatever goal you, and they, determine. They are not a tool, but a living, breathing, partner who wants to be successful with you and for you. Hopefully, we strive to do the same for them.
Not all dogs are capable of this level of intelligence and teamwork, but the Labrador is the epitome of the working partner. I can't imagine life without the blessing of my friend, the Labrador Retriever.
Photo Credit: Michael White