Peppa ❤️ she’s stating to have some personality shine through. Her little lips think they need a treat when I approach 😂. She’s doing well with her R+ training!
An exercise that helps both the kicker and the pawer. Guess which is which?
Gotta love a double lick and chew!
Peppa & Indie
(Don’t try this at home—I know these horses very well and would not suggest turning your back to a horse’s hind end).
Sliding over to say…
Happy Valentine’s Day!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I think I might need to get him some sliding boots soon 😅
Gotta love a horse that will just stand 😍
Peanut learned about jumping today! I could totally see her having a jumping career. She seemed to really enjoy it 🥰
I bet my horse has more imagination than yours 😂.
Firefly likes to play with invisible opponents. Only after rolling, though… 😂
Enjoy this video of mr baby brain feeling good.
Peanut and Firefly had so much fun getting out into the elements for a bit today! Peanut was running circles around Firefly by the end of it trying to entice him to play, but at that point he thought that play was beneath him. Lol! ❄️⛄️
Peanut is an all weather kind of horse 🤩 I have an exciting announcement about her coming up…
What could it be?
Okay, Sheona (Mild at Heart - Mustang Gentling & More ) and I just have too much fun 🤣
Thank you Kellie Umlandt for videoing and brining our favorite Odin boy!
Video of Peanut from the clinic. So great!
Some of you may remember that her biggest issue and trigger for aggression has been contact with her poll. The other day, she let me touch her poll, and she truly, fully relaxed for the first time.
Even in our best moments leading up to this, she guarded that piece of her. You can’t tell, but in this video I’m leaning my entire body weight on her tight muscles here, and she is leaning into it—falling asleep and releasing tension. She knows that I’m not there to hurt her.
It seems so small to the people who haven’t seen her—this is her biggest breakthrough yet!
Guess who I got to go see! Ringo (Rojo) and Duke. Duke did such a good job retaining his knowledge after a lot of time off. While Duke is comfortable with me, that doesn’t necessarily mean that transfers over to other people—at least, not until today. Duke just had his FIRST successful ride with his owner after rehabbing from shutdown tendencies! Not a false step. I couldn’t be more proud! I visited Ringo too, but he is not the problem child so Duke got the spotlight this time 😂
Miss Peanut has become such a calm young thoroughbred!
No music this time, enjoy the raw audio—and Sam wearing my husband’s shoes 😂
Wild Kiger Designs
Firefly thought the electric fence was pretty mean 😂
First session at the new barn! All the rain makes for some pretty cool reflection shots haha. Might be investing in some more sand in the near future!
Peanut has learned to step up to the mounting block. Yay!