I love working with horses. I love helping them feel better in their body. When I’m headed out to a session, I really never know what it entails. There’s not a script I follow. And I try to tune into what the horse needs for the day.
A couple of weeks ago I met Calvin. He was definitely one of the most interesting sessions I’ve had as about 35 to 45 minutes in, he decided it was nap time. After he laid down, and went flat out, I had a few seconds of wondering if I should get him up. We need to continue his session after all…. But that little guiding voice reminded me if this is what he needs this is what he gets. So we left him. For an hour and 15 minutes. 😂
Yesterday I went back to the barn to work on a few horses, and I wanted to check in on Calvin. I wanted to see how he felt energetically and under my hands. I just went into his stall and took a photo because I like to see where I left them, and where they are now.
As always, I am continuously, amazed by the ability horses have to let go of things. Some days I’m envious of the ease in which they reach for what feels good. How does this make me feel in my body and how do I find the best thing? I feel as humans, we often are taught how to manipulate this ability in a horse. How do we make something painful so they reach for something different, something that we want.
But in all reality, we would all be a lot healthier if we listen to our bodies more. Each cell in our body continuously strives for balance. For health. It is literally our alignment system. The foundation of our health and one humans are often taught to ignore. We ignore it until there’s pain. Pain that we ignore because we are too busy, too disconnected, too emotionally unable. And then we’re taught to numb it when it’s too much. Or we bypass it with medication. This doesn’t stop the body crying out for change, we just can’t hear it anymore. Much like horses living in our world.
So when I see a horse a couple of weeks or a month after a session and they’ve held the changes beautifully and actually improved more, I’m always ecstatic. It’s what makes my heart sing. It’s why I do what I do when it’s long days and cold and rainy. Or on long days it’s so hot I’m leaving sweat marks and the flies are incessant. It’s my clients who are ready to dive into the whole with me that keeps me going. And yes, I mean ‘whole’. Whole horse, mind and body.
Grab your cup, the koolaid is nourishing! 🥹