
Claws-N-Paws We have over 38 years experience, grooming dogs and cats of all breeds. Claws-N-Paws Pet Spa in Salem, OR provides professional dog and cat grooming services.

Hours flexible by appointment, Quality Grooming, Pet Daycare, Dog Training, Show Grooming, Dog Boarding, Cat Boarding, Ask About Our Photo Shoots of Our Clients Done Each Quarter, Self Bathing of Your Pet


Do you suffer from severe indoor allergies? If so, having your pet groomed on a regular basis can lessen the pet fur and dander that are contributing to your allergy symptoms.


Although your dog will likely want to be affectionate with you all the time, it’s natural not to want a bear hug from a wet and muddy dog. When a recent trip to the park had turned your furry pal into a smelly creature, we’re always happy to make him or her clean and fresh again.


Did you know that 2 of the 9 dogs on the Titanic were rescued? This included a Pomeranian and a Pekingese - both easily fit on one of the early lifeboats that were not as crowded as the later rescue boats as the great vessel was closer to disappearing under the water.


Brushing your dog is important in keeping their coat healthy and attractive. If you brush too hard, you can give them brush burn by scraping the skin. Brush the way the coat lies.


You ever have a dog just go nuts when they go outside? A popular movement for them is to race around in circles, over and over again. Well this is actually a trait carried down from their much more wild ancestors, as before they make themselves at home somewhere, they have to spin in a few circles to set a “nest” of sorts.


Dogs aren't much different than humans when it comes to dental care. They need a good teeth and gum cleaning, too, to ward off dental problems and gum disease. Plaque and tartar buildup and periodontal disease can even usher in heart, kidney and other problems.


Did you know that dogs with long hair could actually damage their corneas? Remember, not only is their long hair hanging in their eyes, but also anything they may have gotten stuck to it when playing outside.


Establishing a grooming routine with your dog will ensure that it is always clean and comfortable, and that is important to maintain good skin health. Groomers can also bring to attention any other health concerns. Most often it is a groomer that first spots lumps or any other abnormalities.


All it takes is letting your dog get away from your grasp for a split second to have them take off in the middle of a bath. If you don’t want your furniture soaked, let us handle the dog baths.


A few quick tips for clipping your cat's nails include; handling them as much as possible when they are young, try clipping them while the cat is napping, be sure to pet and reassure them after each nail and give treats for positive reinforcement.


If you love the idea of keeping your dog’s haircut as fashionable as the cuts the rest of the family sport, you may be devastated when you can’t wash out all the sticky mud on them. Remember, a professional groomer may have better luck removing the mud so that you won’t have to cut their fur.


You know it's important to have your pet vaccinated and examined by a veterinarian at least once a year. Care to guess how much U.S. pet owners spent of veterinary services in 2011/2012? That would be $13.41 billion.

Thank you Claws-N-Paws team and clients greatly appreciate all of you.

Thank you Claws-N-Paws team and clients greatly appreciate all of you.


Some dogs can run like the wind and look pretty graceful doing it. The canine skeleton helps in that regard: A dog's shoulder blades are detached from the rest of its skeletal structure, giving it enhanced flexibility.


Hydrotherapy in a swim spa heated to 94 degrees Fahrenheit is a soothing, non-weight-bearing way to improve your pet’s strength and function.


If you or your pet suffers from allergy problems, regular grooming visits can improve the situation. Grooming removes dead hair and pet dander that can trigger allergic reactions both in humans and in animals.


Pets have different needs when it comes to grooming; long-haired dogs need different grooming supplies than short-haired breeds do. Groomers always use the most appropriate grooming supplies.


Long-coated, non-shedding breeds such as Poodles, Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, and Bedlingtons require regular clipping. Clipping is the process of using electrical clippers to shave or trim the dog's coat. Schnauzers and wire terriers, on the other hand, should be stripped.


Are you concerned that allowing your cats to bathe themselves after they got into a particular substance could make them sick? Let’s talk about what they got into and whether it’s something that they shouldn’t be licking off their fur.


Do you know how cats get stuck in trees so easily? This is because a cat can’t climb head first down a tree because their claws all point the same way. To get down from a tree, a cat must back down.


Have you ever noticed your dog slipping and sliding on slick floors – but only occasionally? For some long-haired dogs, the hair can extend beyond the pads so that the dog is walking, at least in part, on slick hair. A trip to the groomers will allow your pet to walk on slick floors without sliding on its fur.


It's important not to neglect your dog's dental health. A dog's teeth should be cleaned regularly just like a human's. Studies have shown that about 98 percent of dogs with bad breath have some form of periodontal disease, which results from plaque buildup.


Did you know statistics show that children who have pets are considerably more nurturing, have higher self-esteem, more empathy, less stress, and are usually more comfortable around other people than children without pets are?


Regularly clipping a dog's nails is important for both the dog's safety and the safety of the people he or she spends time with, but some dogs have serious anxiety issues. We have the knowledge and experience to keep your dog relaxed during trimmings.


While every pet is bound to have certain quirks that can drive you crazy, there’s no reason to create more stress in your relationship than is necessary. If bathing your pet is your least favorite part of your week, we’re always ready to help.


Frequency of bathing is a question that often arises when it comes to grooming. While letting us bathe your pet when he or she begins to smell like a dog is obvious, the coat-type your dog has may require bathing at more frequent intervals.

Here’s a cutie her name is Pasiley she came in for a Spa day today.

Here’s a cutie her name is Pasiley she came in for a Spa day today.


Did you know that keeping your pet's ear hairs trimmed can help to prevent ear infections? Regular baths will also remove oils, dead hair, and dirt from your pet's coat, which can keep your pet looking and feeling healthy.


Clarifying shampoo can be used to remove many organic stains, such as black dirt, red clay, grass, and many other types of organic stains. This can remove the stain and whiten your dog’s coat!


621 Lancaster Drive NE
Salem, OR

Opening Hours

Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm
Saturday 8am - 5pm




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