Happy #nationaldayofthecowgirl from Tenda Horse Products!
Testimonial from the Equine Surgical Center at ThorSport Farm
Tennessee walking horse filly presented with a chronic, non-healing wound on the lateral aspect of the thorax. The filly had been treated for several months with oral antibiotics but the wound did not heal.
Upon examination, a bone sequestrum (piece of dead bone) was noted to be the inciting problem. The filly was prepped for surgery and the wound debrided and a large rib fragment was removed.
Once the infected bone and tissue were removed, the wound was able to begin healing with the use of Tenda Fiber (a borate based bioactive glass).
Happy to say the filly has continued to grow and has recently been able to begin riding under Saddle!
For more information about Equine Surgical Center, please contact 615-985-VETS
For more information on Tenda Heal, visit www.tendaheal.com
#equinesurgicalcenter #thorsportfarm #tendahorse #testimonial
Riding into the week with Tenda Horse Ambassador Brittni Raflowitz!
Visit www.tendahorse.com to find where you can purchase your favorite products, today!
#tendahorse #finishlinefriday #perfect #equine
Riding into another week with Tenda Horse Ambassador Brittni Raflowitz!
#tendahorse #mondaymotivation #brittniraflowitz
Riding into the month of February!
#tendahorse #ambassador #brittniraflowitz
Jumping into another week with Tenda Horse Ambassador Brittni Raflowitz!
#tendahorse #mondaymotivation
#fridayfeeling #tendahorse #ambassador #jumper #brittniraflowitz
#sudsysunday #giddyupshampoo #giddyupconditioner #tendahorse
What’s scarier than a haunted barn?
A dirty horse!
Only enter this week with a dirty horse if you DARE! Use Tenda Horse Giddy Up Shampoo and Conditioner if you don’t want to SCARE!
#tendahorse #happyhalloween #halloween
“Two feet move your body, four feet move your soul.”
Healthy hooves start with Tenda Horse Products Holistic Hoof Oil! Find out where you can purchase this product at www.tendahorse.com
Get your Sheen on this Saturday with Tenda Horse Products Tenda Sheen!
#tendahorse #tendasheen