Are Longcoat Dalmatians in**ed? Are we working with a gene puddle instead of a gene pool?
I would like to take the time to thoroughly address this topic and explain, with specific numbers and proof, why those are false assumptions.
Coefficient of inbreeding (COI) is a number that measures the degree of inbreeding in dogs. This number can be calculated using a dog's pedigree.
To make the best comparisons, let's take a look at some well-known titled show dogs. They set an example for the Dalmatian breed.
⭐️GCH. Cottondale Kodachrome for Paisley
4.1005% (8 generations)
6.1284% (12 generations)
⭐️CH Tarbarr's Spotted Dreamz
4.5481% (8 generations)
8.3306% (12 generations)
⭐️GCH. Paisley Choco Chip Brownie Delite
7.7583% (8 generations)
11.4755% (12 generations)
⭐️CH CT Paisley C Pepper N Paisley
8.6247% (8 generations)
10.8318% (12 generations)
⭐️MBIS MBISS GRCh Spotlight's Ruffian
*Best of Breed Winner at Westminster*
9.3275% (8 generations)
13.0723% (12 generations)
⭐️CH Paisley Playin' The Field
11.8499% (8 generations)
16.6699% (12 generations)
⭐️GCHS CH Sunnyoaks Buzzer Be**er
14.9053% (8 generations)
17.2544% (12 generations)
⭐️CH Tuckaway Indian Run ROMX
30.3892% (8 generations)
32.3034% (12 generations)
There are hundreds of other examples of titled Dalmatians that fall within this range of COI.
Now, for my dogs. Let's start with males in my current and future breeding program, who are each from different bloodlines (except for Alvarez and Legend, who are half brothers). Can you see how color, coat length and lua status do not determine inbreeding percentages?
*LUA Longcoat, carries lemon*
1.2466% (8 generations)
1.6019% (12 generations)
*LUA Liver, Longcoat carrier*
1.4389% (8 generations)
1.6892% (12 generations)
*LUA Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier*
1.3719% (8 generations)
2.1727% (12 generations)
*HUA Lemon, Longcoat carrier, Liver carrier*
3.4539% (8 generations)
3.7414% (12 generations)
*LUA Longcoat, Liver carrier*
3.6792% (8 generations)
4.5607% (12 generations)
💙Alvarez *LUA Liver, Longcoat Carrier*
5.7251% (8 generations)
7.0369% (12 generations)
His higher COI comes from the titled pedigree on his mother's side, not the longcoat carrier pedigree on his father's side. His last litter's COI was certainly a step in the right direction, as their COI decreased to 1.9959% (8 generations) & 3.2827% (12 generations)!!!
Next, let's take a look at the COIs of current and future females in my breeding program. Again, can you see how coat, color and LUA have no connection to inbreeding percentages? It's simply a false assumption.
*Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier, Liver carrier, Lemon carrier*
0.737% (8 generations)
1.3921% (12 generations)
*LUA, Lemon carrier*
0.8224% (8 generations)
1.1876% (12 generations)
*Homozygous LUA, Lemon Longcoat*
1.1292% (8 generations)
1.4311% (12 generations)
*Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier*
1.3719% (8 generations)
2.1739% (12 generations)
*LUA Longcoat carrier*
1.3719% (8 generations)
2.1739% (12 generations)
*LUA Longcoat*
1.4236% (8 generations)
2.8677% (12 generations)
*LUA Longcoat, Liver carrier*
1.438% (8 generations)
2.6648% (12 generations)
*LUA Liver, Longcoat carrier, Lemon carrier*
2.3935% (8 generations)
2.9638% (12 generations)
*Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier, Liver carrier*
3.5122% (8 generations)
4.1895% (12 generations)
I have made a mission out of developing and preserving multiple *separate/unrelated* lines of longcoat carriers. When developing these lines, my goal is to improve each generation while also preserving the separate bloodlines so that we can continue to expand our longcoat gene pool, maintain below breed average inbreeding coefficients and avoid genetic bottlenecks now and long into the future.
All these numbers are public information, available for anyone to look up and verify. I would be happy to provide direct links.