Paradise Spots Dalmatians LLC

Paradise Spots Dalmatians LLC Home Grown Dalmatians!

Wonderful news everyone! BAER Hearing test results and Full Embark DNA panel results are in for Aiyanna and Ash's "Chip ...

Wonderful news everyone! BAER Hearing test results and Full Embark DNA panel results are in for Aiyanna and Ash's "Chip Litter"!

I am pleased to share that they all have full hearing in both ears! Their individual Embark test results include a wide variety of valuable genetic insights for each puppy, such as inbreeding coefficient (eCOI).

Speaking of which, I am happy to share that they are *below* the breed average for eCOI. One of my goals with each pairing is to produce lower eCOI for the next generation. Greater genetic diversity (lower eCOI), paired with a long list of health testing on their parents, means that I can set my puppies up for the best chance of inherenting healthy genes while reducing their risk of "doubling up" on unhealthy genetic defects (particularly defects that do not have tests available yet).

Additionally, Embark screens for over 270 genetic health risks, including Hyperuricosuria (HUA), Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) and ALT activity (a particularly important thing for Dalmatian owners and ***their vets*** to know, if their dog carries one or two copies).

If you would like to learn more about these amazing little puppies, please feel free to send me a message!

*Exciting News!*We're thrilled to announce the arrival of 11 crunchy-cute Dalmatian puppies, born on December 28th, 2024...

*Exciting News!*

We're thrilled to announce the arrival of 11 crunchy-cute Dalmatian puppies, born on December 28th, 2024!

Meet our "Chip Litter" - a delightful batch of pups named after popular chip brands:

Males: Lays, Pringles, Tostido, Dorito, Frito, Cheetoh, and Zapp

Females: Ruffles, Funyun, Miss Vickie, and Sunchip

The perfect blend of "flavor" and love, both parents (Aiyanna and Ash) are fully health tested with CHIC numbers. You can review their excellent health results and extensive testing on the public OFA database (links in the comments).

These puppies will all have a full Embark DNA test panel done, be BAER hearing tested, have blood samples submitted to the OFA CHIC Repository, they are AKC registered and they are all microchipped as well. They are social, friendly, playful, intelligent and sweet little munchkins! These puppies are the whole package (or should we say bag?)

Stay tuned for more updates, photos, and videos of our deliciously cute "Chip Litter".

Our longcoat Dalmatian puppies, Fizz, Sunkist and Brisk 🥰

Our longcoat Dalmatian puppies, Fizz, Sunkist and Brisk 🥰


Nora, playing with her babies 🥹❤️

Just a couple cute pictures from last night 🥰 I love these amazing dogs SOO MUCH!!!!

Just a couple cute pictures from last night 🥰 I love these amazing dogs SOO MUCH!!!!

Nora's 11 puppies passed their BAER tests and they all have full hearing in both ears! Their vet checkup went great and ...

Nora's 11 puppies passed their BAER tests and they all have full hearing in both ears! Their vet checkup went great and they have each had a blood sample submitted to the OFA DNA Repository. This amazing research opportunity, subsidized by the Dalmatian Club of America Foundation, has allowed them to collect more than 200 full litter samples for the repository and ✨️"has put Dalmatians in the top tier of canine DNA samples available for research"✨️!!!! How neat is that?! If you love Dalmatians, please consider donating to the DCAF to aid their ongoing research efforts, as well as their rescue efforts (see their letter in pictures section of this post for more details). If you are a Dalmatian breeder, or you know one that is not already doing this, please encourage them to submit whole litter samples on their puppies!

Crate training has begun for Nora's puppies! They are already doing great! Curious about how to crate train 11 puppies a...

Crate training has begun for Nora's puppies! They are already doing great! Curious about how to crate train 11 puppies at once? This setup, which was a gift from my amazing Mother, makes that process safe, simple, straightforward and easy to thoroughly clean! The puppies only spend short periods of time in these crates. Each stainless steel crate can be individually removed and sanitized between uses. Also, once the puppies are bigger, the crates can all be placed on the floor to teach the puppies to go in/out on their own. Thank you again Mom, for helping me create our Paradise ❤️

Meet Apple and Strawberry!

Meet Apple and Strawberry!


I just had to share this cute video of little miss Strawberry and our free ranging flock. She wasn't too sure about them being up close and personal when I called her to come back and my turkies and ginueas came too 😂 Just another day in Paradise ❤️

Just a few of my latest submissions to the OFA health testing database! 😁 So much paperwork, but it's a labor of love ❤️

Just a few of my latest submissions to the OFA health testing database! 😁 So much paperwork, but it's a labor of love ❤️

"The first Golden Retriever was believed to be an undesirable mutation from a long line of bird dogs, but the eccentric ...

"The first Golden Retriever was believed to be an undesirable mutation from a long line of bird dogs, but the eccentric Lord Tweedmouth liked the new color and bred him with other soft, red dogs, creating a brand-new breed."
-Inside the Mind of a Dog

Something new I learned today! It's very interesting to me that this was acceptable with breeders of old, but I am routinely attacked for daring to breed Dalmatians with a long coat.

I see all of history as my teacher, and all of history tells me that breed standards change. For example, tri-color Dalmatians were once accepted in the breed standard. There were even champion tri-color Dalmatians in the show ring. Then the standard changed to no longer allow tri-colors to be shown because a group of people decided they didn't like the color. These are documented facts that can be verified in The Dog Book, written in 1906. I'm happy to share pictures of the pages from my copy of the book for anyone who is interested.

So why then can the standard not change to allow a long-coated Dalmatian variation? For that matter, why not allow lemon and tri-color Dalmatians into the standard?

The claim that the gene pool is too small is a bogus claim, evidenced by the low inbreeding coefficients of these dogs (see my previous post for specific examples). The biggest critics of off standard colors/coat length are often themselves breeding show dogs with much higher inbreeding percentages. Off standard Dalmatian breeders actually have the WHOLE Dalmatian gene pool to work with and select from, as they choose which bloodlines are the best ones to breed longcoat/lemon/tri color into. Various breeders are working on a variety of different bloodlines, and every year, the diversity and number of options off standard Dalmatian breeders have to select from increase more and more.

There is an additional bogus claim that lemon spotted Dalmatians are prone to additional health issues such as deafness or skin/coat issues. This has no basis in fact what-so-ever. Genetically, Lemon spotted Dalmatians are simply "yellow" (ee, in genetic terms) like a yellow lab. Yellow is a very common color in many dog breeds and has absolutely no connection to any health issue. This color should not be confused with "dilute" (dd, in genetic terms), which is a color that can be linked to alopecia(hair loss). No one is breeding dilute Dalmatians that I am aware of.

If these traits were accepted into the breed standard and the taboos surrounding them were lifted, more breeders would feel safe to embrace these variations, and many people would start proving them in conformation. The addition of these bloodlines to the show ring would even help increase the genetic diversity of the show dog population. I believe there is a path towards acceptance for longcoat, lemon spotted, and tri color Dalmatians. Historically, these variations have always been a part of the Dalmatian breed.

Why shouldn't we honor and preserve the Dalmatian breed's entire history?

Are Longcoat Dalmatians in**ed? Are we working with a gene puddle instead of a gene pool?I would like to take the time t...

Are Longcoat Dalmatians in**ed? Are we working with a gene puddle instead of a gene pool?

I would like to take the time to thoroughly address this topic and explain, with specific numbers and proof, why those are false assumptions.

Coefficient of inbreeding (COI) is a number that measures the degree of inbreeding in dogs. This number can be calculated using a dog's pedigree.

To make the best comparisons, let's take a look at some well-known titled show dogs. They set an example for the Dalmatian breed.

⭐️GCH. Cottondale Kodachrome for Paisley
4.1005% (8 generations)
6.1284% (12 generations)

⭐️CH Tarbarr's Spotted Dreamz
4.5481% (8 generations)
8.3306% (12 generations)

⭐️GCH. Paisley Choco Chip Brownie Delite
7.7583% (8 generations)
11.4755% (12 generations)

⭐️CH CT Paisley C Pepper N Paisley
8.6247% (8 generations)
10.8318% (12 generations)

⭐️MBIS MBISS GRCh Spotlight's Ruffian
*Best of Breed Winner at Westminster*
9.3275% (8 generations)
13.0723% (12 generations)

⭐️CH Paisley Playin' The Field
11.8499% (8 generations)
16.6699% (12 generations)

⭐️GCHS CH Sunnyoaks Buzzer Be**er
14.9053% (8 generations)
17.2544% (12 generations)

⭐️CH Tuckaway Indian Run ROMX
30.3892% (8 generations)
32.3034% (12 generations)

There are hundreds of other examples of titled Dalmatians that fall within this range of COI.

Now, for my dogs. Let's start with males in my current and future breeding program, who are each from different bloodlines (except for Alvarez and Legend, who are half brothers). Can you see how color, coat length and lua status do not determine inbreeding percentages?

*LUA Longcoat, carries lemon*
1.2466% (8 generations)
1.6019% (12 generations)

*LUA Liver, Longcoat carrier*
1.4389% (8 generations)
1.6892% (12 generations)

*LUA Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier*
1.3719% (8 generations)
2.1727% (12 generations)

*HUA Lemon, Longcoat carrier, Liver carrier*
3.4539% (8 generations)
3.7414% (12 generations)

*LUA Longcoat, Liver carrier*
3.6792% (8 generations)
4.5607% (12 generations)

💙Alvarez *LUA Liver, Longcoat Carrier*
5.7251% (8 generations)
7.0369% (12 generations)
His higher COI comes from the titled pedigree on his mother's side, not the longcoat carrier pedigree on his father's side. His last litter's COI was certainly a step in the right direction, as their COI decreased to 1.9959% (8 generations) & 3.2827% (12 generations)!!!

Next, let's take a look at the COIs of current and future females in my breeding program. Again, can you see how coat, color and LUA have no connection to inbreeding percentages? It's simply a false assumption.

*Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier, Liver carrier, Lemon carrier*
0.737% (8 generations)
1.3921% (12 generations)

*LUA, Lemon carrier*
0.8224% (8 generations)
1.1876% (12 generations)

*Homozygous LUA, Lemon Longcoat*
1.1292% (8 generations)
1.4311% (12 generations)

*Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier*
1.3719% (8 generations)
2.1739% (12 generations)

*LUA Longcoat carrier*
1.3719% (8 generations)
2.1739% (12 generations)

*LUA Longcoat*
1.4236% (8 generations)
2.8677% (12 generations)

*LUA Longcoat, Liver carrier*
1.438% (8 generations)
2.6648% (12 generations)

*LUA Liver, Longcoat carrier, Lemon carrier*
2.3935% (8 generations)
2.9638% (12 generations)

*Homozygous LUA, Longcoat carrier, Liver carrier*
3.5122% (8 generations)
4.1895% (12 generations)

I have made a mission out of developing and preserving multiple *separate/unrelated* lines of longcoat carriers. When developing these lines, my goal is to improve each generation while also preserving the separate bloodlines so that we can continue to expand our longcoat gene pool, maintain below breed average inbreeding coefficients and avoid genetic bottlenecks now and long into the future.

All these numbers are public information, available for anyone to look up and verify. I would be happy to provide direct links.

📌CALLING ALL DALMATIAN BREEDERS!!! YOUR BREED NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! If you love this breed, if you want to make a differenc...

📌CALLING ALL DALMATIAN BREEDERS!!! YOUR BREED NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! If you love this breed, if you want to make a difference and help save lives, THIS is your call to action!

Researchers have announced that they need more blood samples from WHOLE LITTERS of Dalmatian puppies. These blood samples are VITAL to the development of new LIFE SAVING health testing! Without the contribution of more samples, the researchers may not have enough data to develop these tests. 🌟DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE IMPACT YOUR CONTRIBUTION COULD HAVE!🌟 These samples will be kept on file and used for many discoveries for years to come! The researchers NEED these samples from a variety of different bloodlines, so absolutely e.v.e.r.y. contribution is important!

Submitting blood samples on your litter is not hard! It is also inexpensive as the DCAF pays for shipping. My vet only charges $5 per dog to collect the samples! The only real cost is your time and effort, which are worth the reward of a healthier Dalmatian breed! I challenge every Dalmatian breeder to ask themselves. Will you help Dalmatians when only a breeder like you can make a difference? Or will you turn your back on your breed when it needs you the most? Please don't let our breed down. Please give back to the dogs you love. Donate whole litter blood samples and make a difference.

A moment in Paradise I just had to share. This is my daughter, Serenity 🥰 She is AMAZING with our dogs! Can you tell tha...

A moment in Paradise I just had to share. This is my daughter, Serenity 🥰 She is AMAZING with our dogs! Can you tell that they all adore her?

Beauty Queens of Paradise Spots Dalmatians ✨️💖✨️

Beauty Queens of Paradise Spots Dalmatians ✨️💖✨️

Taylor and Artemis' puppies! I am happy to say that their whole litter has been BAER hearing tested with full hearing in...

Taylor and Artemis' puppies! I am happy to say that their whole litter has been BAER hearing tested with full hearing in both ears 🥰 They are AKC registered, microchipped and each puppy's blood sample has been donated to the OFA CHIC DNA Repository to help researchers from around the world develop more health testing for our beloved spotted breed (please encourage all the Dalmatian breeders you know to contribute to this if they are not already doing so).

Today, my heart breaks. Today, I had to say goodbye to Zeke-my companion and friend of over a decade. Words cannot do ju...

Today, my heart breaks. Today, I had to say goodbye to Zeke-my companion and friend of over a decade. Words cannot do justice for what he meant to me. He will be missed so very much. Run easy and free my good boy. Daisy waits for you. 💔🌈


1479 County Road 2300
Salem, MO

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 7pm




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