I’ve put off making this post because it’s just not the kind of news I want to deliver. The c**t had several X-rays and what they found was his bone was just in shambles. They said there was no surgical option to even begin to try to fix it, but to leave it would mean that it would fuse together and end up a peg leg and he would live in constant pain. There was bone on bone and significant arthritis already present. He said the kindest thing we could do for him was to euthanize him - so we did. It is heartbreaking any time a horse has to be euthanized, but especially hard when it’s one so young!
The only positive thing I can say is that we tried and now know euthanizing was the best option. Had we not, we would have never known if we could have helped him or offered him a chance at life even as only a pasture pet.