Back to Basics Tip #14
You’ve Totally Got This.
That’s what I had to tell myself all day yesterday. (Yes, yesterday was supposed to be day 14 of our daily projects, but today is now day 14 because yesterday the Universe decided to challenge me repeatedly to see how I would navigate its roadblocks. Plus, all the days are running together anyway so it’s ok that today is day 14 rather than yesterday because right now no one really knows if it’s Thursday or Sunday or if it’s the 87th day of March.)
EVERYTHING (it seemed) I attempted to do was like running into a brick wall. My computer and my printer teamed up against me. My printer decided it didn’t want to be wireless anymore; my computer decided it wanted to do updates, on its own, when it wanted to do them. I couldn’t link my website to my email lists, files I thought I had saved disappeared…. blah blah blah. I spent waaayyyyy tooooo much time sitting at my desk wasting precious time getting extremely frustrated and questioning everything instead of listening to the prompts telling me to Just. Let. It. Go.
Which then led me to the message that I’m sharing with you today, that came in the early hours of the morning, which must have been more important than the original message I wanted to share with you yesterday.
When I finally surrendered to the fact that my computer and I couldn’t be friends right now, I reached for my pencil.
We are in the midst of a shift.
Our jobs have shifted. Our schedules have shifted. Our access to others has shifted.
For some everything from their income to where they are going to live to what they are able to feed their families to what keeps them up at night has shifted.
And it’s a really big deal.
And we need to be kind, not only to others, but especially to ourselves.
When everything around us seems as if it’s spinning at an accelerated rate, it’s really important to practice patience and self care. It’s really important to remain centered and mindful.
It’s ok to stop what you think you should be doing and listen to your inner compass. It’s ok to slow down. It’s ok to lean into the pause.
I’m not always good at taking my own advice. I think too much. I am working on trusting the inner promptings. I am working on giving myself permission to live a full and creative life under my terms.
Sometimes the Universe stops whispering. Sometimes the Universe stops gently nudging you. Sometimes the Universe forces you into unchartered places that you didn’t really want to go. But here you are. And you have a choice.
“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.” Viktor E. Frankl
No matter what happens in our lives, we ALWAYS have control over how we respond.
I hope you have enjoyed these 14 daily-small-projects-with-super-sized wins.
I hope they have helped you feel some sense of control. I hope they have added some focus and structure. I hope they have brought some simplicity to your life.
So, for today’s project, I encourage you that no matter what you are experiencing during this time of uncertainty to remain kind to yourself. I invite you to focus on what is good. I invite you to exercise a compassionate viewpoint towards others and, especially, to yourself.
Today I will not be at my desk or answering emails or trying to figure anything out. Today I am going to walk away from what I think I should be doing. Today I am going to remember that it's ok to walk away sometimes. Today I'm going to listen to my soul and grab my pencil instead.
Look inside for your inner riches.
Simplify. Simplify. Simplify. ❤️