As we begin scheduling equines for their spring dental exams and equilibrations, you can prepare yourself by learning about some of the dental issues that your veterinarian may notice at your appointment. The most common issues we address during dental floats are hooks, ramps, waves and sharp points. These are typically caused by irregularities in the jaws grinding motion, which leads to overgrowth of some teeth and excessive wear of others. Additional problems include steps (a tooth growing into the space of a missing or damaged tooth above/below it), diastemata (gaps between the teeth), tooth fractures, tooth caries, retained caps, mobile teeth, tooth root abscesses and EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis: a syndrome that causes painful resorptive lesions of the incisors and sometimes canine teeth). Luckily, most of these issues can be managed through routine dentistry every 12 months, but some may require more frequent care or treatment with a board certified equine dentist. Symptoms of dental issues include weight loss, quidding, eating slowly and reluctance with the bit. It is very important that your equine receive consistent dental care to help prevent, detect and treat these problems as they arise. Please reach out with dentistry questions or to schedule an appointment for a dental exam/equilibration at 801-662-8092
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