Meet Odysseus...This hunk has had a hard time and life has been a struggle, as it is with most outdoor cats. Lucky for him a very nice caregiver @kitties_at_work noticed and took action.
His life will be so much better.
He is older, missing most of his teeth and had teeth, tissue & gum damage from foxtails lodged in his gums/teeth. This is very painful and likely caused him to stop grooming ending up with him being very matted and full of foxtails and thorns all over in the mats and imbedded in his skin.
Now after his "spa" day, he is neutered, vaccinated, cleaned up and pain free.
Life on the streets is hard, these cats did not ask for it nor do they deserve this, instances like this is exactly why we always advocate for all feral/community cats have a dedicated caregiver, also if you feed them you MUST FIX THEM.
Another reminder.... time is running out to have ferals shaved or groomed here in Utah. They must have time to regrow their coat before the cold sets in. OAC will usually stop shaving at the end of August.
Earl and Flint brother wrestle match!!!
#catsofinstagram #brothers #spayandneuter
Little guy likes to run around and play then come up for a snacky before getting back to it. He's doing great, still need to find a name for him.
For those who are new, this little guy and his six siblings were caught in a field fire. Oac took the 3 with the worse burns, this little guy his brother Sparky and other brother Flint who is fostered by @rivercatrescue
All are doing great!!
Graphic.. this guy came I today when his caregiver noticed swelling behind his ear. Observant Caregivers are necessary for the wellbeing of any feral cat. This abscess if left untreated could have not only caused much pain but actually be fatal. Feral cat Experienced, affordable veterinary care is also needed in our communities.
Shades community cat sanctuary.
One of today's surgerys 6-7 month female cat, very small and thin, likely because her body was trying to keep her alive with this infection growing in her. Pyometras can be totally prevented with early spay.
* This is a small pyometra, they can get very large, like really large, filled with pus. If not removed they slowly kill the cat and or explode inside her releasing all that infection into her body, usually always fatal.
Spay and neuter now, no excuses. Please.