Polar and Meatball in Livestock Guardian Dog training. This is their second turnout with the sheep and goats. Their future home will be as sheep lgds.
Puppies are about 5 weeks old and about 4 lbs each. When I got them they weighed 1-2 lbs each. They are Eating a mixture of foxvalley puppy milk and canned science diet puppy food. They are learning how to play nice with each other which is an important step to being good boys and girls when they grow up. Mother was at least part Anatolian shepherd. Father is unknown. We have sent off dna and waiting for results
Here’s our Lola on the way to Canada via Fetch a Dog Rescue and Transport and we have heard she has already found a home!
Looks like Mooch is going to enjoy his new home of luxury.
Picked up boomer after his eyelid sutures were removed and he loved the grass so much at the vet clinic he almost layed down to pee.
We still have cute kittens for adoption. $25
Introducing Sketchy Speckles. She was dumped in the country, had to be caught in a live trap to be brought to us and after 3 days she is finally kinda coming out of her shell. She won’t be ready for adoption until after her spay surgery and health check up at the vet.