Hello TAZE Friends!
San Antonio Zoo would like to shake things up a bit. We very much want to have folks on grounds for the 2021 TAZE meeting, but it sure looks like that won’t be happening this winter. HOWEVER, we haven’t given up hope for the summer, yet!
Please give us some feedback about the ideas outlined below!! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V2RCF2Q
January 20 and 21, 2021*
12:00-4:30* virtual/Zoom sessions, including:
• Facilities updates
• Round table discussions about your favorite education topics (Volunteers, Camp, School programs, Interpretation, virtual programs, etc).
• A few presentations from any facilities that would like to share success, challenges, initiatives, ideas, philosophies, etc.
• Animal Ambassador Meet & Greet – all facilities invited to participate!
• A closer look at spaces – virtual tour of Will Smith Zoo School and invitations for all facilities to show off their Education home bases
• Suggestions welcome!
End of August or early September*, 2021
TAZE at San Antonio Zoo!
• More traditional format and content
• We are brainstorming ways to reduce travel costs.
One idea is to eliminate hotel fees by bringing your sleeping bag/air mattress for a sleepover at the zoo
*Dates and times are just place holders at the moment and will be adjusted based on interest and feasibility
We are not predicting a registration fee for either the virtual or in-person sessions.
Feel free to post comments and questions here or contact San Antonio Zoo at [email protected]
Thank you!!!